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English Nation. England's Naval Exploits

Against Spain. Collected by Richard Hakluyt / Ed. by E. Goldsmid. - Edinburgh, 1884. Vol. 7 - P. 66-78.

2. A Report of the Trueth of the Fight About the Isles of Azores, the Last of August 1591, Betwixt the Reuenge one of Her Maiesties Shippes, and an Armada of the King of Spaine; Penned by the Honourable Sir Walter Ralegh Knight.// The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. England's Naval Exploits Against Spain. Collected by Richard Hakluyt

/ Ed. by E. Goldsmid. - Edinburgh, 1884. - Vol. 7 - P. 55-62.

3. A True Relation of the Lives and Deaths of Two Moft Famous Englifh Pyrats, Purfer, and Clinton Who Lived in the Reigne of Queene Elizabeth. - London: Io. Okes, 1639. - Part 1. - 48 p.

4. Biggs Walter. Drake's Armada. - New York: P. F. Collier & Son Company, 1910. - 80 p.

5. Drake F. To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, My Most Dread Sovereign

// Sir Francis Drake Revived / Ed. by Philip Nichols. - New York: Collier & Son Company, 1910. - P. 4.

6. Dutertre Jean-Baptiste Histoire generale des Antilles de l'Amerique habitees par les Franjais. - Fort-de-France, 1973. - 145 p.

7. Laudonniere Rene Goulaine de History of the First Attempt of the French (the Huguenots) to Colonize the Newly Discovered Country of Florida Trans. by Richard Hakluyt (Document No. AJ - 141) // American Journeys Collection. - Wisconsin: Wisconsin history (Wisconsin Historical Society), 2003. - P. 164-362.

8. Marrin Albert The Sea King sir Francis Drake and His Times. - New York, 1995. - 168 p.

9. Motley John Lothrop. The Rise of the Dutch Republic (1566). - L., 1855. - Vol. 2. - 304 p.

10. Sidney P. The Complete Works / Ed. by A.Feuillarat. Cambridge, 1926, Vol. IV.; Sidney P. The complete works / Ed. by A.Feuillarat. Cambridge, 1912, Vol. I

// Цит. по: Андреев М.Л. Рыцарский роман в эпоху возрождения. - М., 1993. - С. 219.

11. Smith сapt. John Directions for the Taking of a Prize \\ William Wood Elizabethan sea-dogs. A chronicle of Drake and his companions. Yale: Yale University Press, 1918. P. 41-48.

12. Spenser E. The Faerie Queen. L., 1893. // Цит. по: Андреев М.Л. Рыцарский роман в эпоху возрождения. - М., 1993. - С. 225, 234.

13. The Miraculous Victory Atchieved by the English Fleete, under the Discreet and Happy Conduct of the Right Honourable, Right Prudent, and Valiant Lord, the L. Charles Howard, L. High Admirall of England, &c. Vpon the Spanish Huge Armada Sent in the Yeere 1588. for the Invasion of England, Together with the Wofull and Miserable Success of the Said Armada Afterward, upon the Coasts of Norway, of the Scottish Westerne Isles, of Ireland, Spain, France, and of England, &c. Recorded in Latine by Emanuel van Meteran, in the 15. Booke of His History of the Low Countreys. // The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. England's Naval Exploits Against Spain. Collected by Richard Hakluyt / Ed. by E. Goldsmid. - Edinburgh, 1884. - Vol. 7 - P. 87.

14. Van Varen en Vechten Verzen van Tijdgenooten op Onze Zeehelden en Zeeslagen, lof- en Schimpdichten, Matrozenliederen / Verzameld door D.F. Scheurleer. - s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1914. - Boek. 1 - 118 p.

15. Wood William. Elizabethan sea-dogs. A chronicle of Drake and his companions. - Yale: Yale University Press, 1918. - 200 p.

16. Андреев М.Л. Рыцарский роман в эпоху возрождения. - М., 1993.

17. Гроций Гуго. О праве войны и мира / Пер. А. Л. Сакетти. - М., 1994.

18. Заборов М. А. История Крестовых походов. - М., 1977.

19. Малаховский К.В. Кругосветный бег золотой лани. - М., 1980.

20. Малаховский К.В. Пять капитанов. - М., 1986.

21. Мэлори Т. Смерть Артура. - М., 1974.

22. Оссовская М. Рыцарь и буржуа. - М., 1987.

23. Рэли У. Открытие обширной богатой и прекрасной Гвианской империи / Пер. А.Д. Дридзо. - М., 1963.

24. Штенцель А. История войн на море. - М., 2002. - Т. 1.

25. Штокмар В.В. Очерки по истории Англии XVI века. - Л., 1957.

26. Эксквемелин А.О. Пираты Америки / Пер. В. Аронова - М., 1968.

27. Яброва М.М. Очерки истории колониальной экспансии Англии в эпоху первоначального накопления. - Саратов., 1966

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