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УДК 811

УДК 811.111:316.7

Диндаренко О.А., Миколаївський державний гуманітарний університет імені Петра Могили

Cross-Cultural Aspects in Teaching English

The article is devoted to the role of the dialogue among civilizations in forming socio-cultural consciousness among the students of non-philological faculties. At the turn of the centuries, taking into account the tendency of global integration, elements of multiculturalism should be introduced in the foreign language courses in higher educational establishments. Appreciation and respect of the cultural heritage of other civilizations help better prepare the youth of today for the challenges of tomorrow.

Статтю присвячено впливу діалогу цивілізацій на формування соціокультурної компетенції студентів нефілологічних спеціальностей. На межі тисячоліть, враховуючи тенденцію світової інтеграції, необхідно впроваджувати елементи мультикультуралізму, особливо в курсах вивчення іноземних мов у вищих навчальних закладах. Визнання та повага до культурної спадщини народів інших країн сприяє кращій підготовці сучасної молоді до змін та вимог майбутнього. Have you ever asked yourself a question: "Can a person live alone?" Perhaps, not, as God created all the living beings in pairs. So, it is quite natural that everyone needs communication, someone to take care about and to rely on. We consider no one can live alone in the world. We should add, unity is much more important especially nowadays when all the civilized countries head for integration. Communication between people in any spheres of life could be fruitful for the further development of mankind. Consequently, our research will be devoted to the investigation of the problem of teaching English in cross-cultural context. This could help students not only understand the language better, but it will create a true picture of modern life traditions and mentality of the British compared to the Ukrainians or peoples of the other countries. Such an experience could be useful not only for the philologists but for the students of non- philological faculties in the practical courses of studying English. This will also broaden their knowledge in country studying. As a result, students could comprehend the ideas of the original English texts better, could react appropriately to the suggested communicative situations and reproduce independently "life models" in oral speech: in dialogues and monologues.

In our time of rapid progress in all spheres of life humans still fail to control their mind and body, to live in harmony with themselves and with the surrounding world, Nature and environment. We appear to be unable to live without wars, fear and conflicts at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Young Ukrainians are more active, independent, politically involved and business-like today. Still the main problem for them is choice. As they no longer trust politicians or other authorities, young Ukrainians rely only on their own resources and abilities. The problem is how to overcome the crisis of moral values on their way to success and career. The scientific innovation and practical value of our research is that we tried for the first time to combine and to put to use the progressive ideas of Dj. Krishnamurty about teaching and the principles, suggested by the western scholars. Taking this into account, the only way out for the youth is to combine Western Science and activity with Eastern philosophy and wisdom of passive observation. Those times have already passed when the East sacrificed itself for the benefit of the West. Actually the East influences the West today, the first even prevails in such spheres of life as: science, art and everyday life. Young people can't ignore the fact that they prefer eastern philosophy and ideas, technology, way of clothing, music and art. It seems, the East has already penetrated in all spheres of life of the West. But we dare say this is quite inevitable.

Do we know everything about our origin, our past? I am afraid we don't, not yet. Actually at the beginning of the XX-th century Alexander Blokh called us, Slavs, "the narrow-eyed Asians". What does it mean? It turns out, our blood is mixed, though we consider ourselves Europeans in our tastes, opinions, education and mentality, our Eastern roots are gradually emerging on the surface. No doubt, at present the Dialogue among civilization is conditioned by the growing influence of the East on the West and the latter is becoming deeply interested in mutually advantageous cooperation with its wise and experienced neighbour.

J. Krishnamurti, a famous Indian philosopher and guru, wrote in his work "Think of these things" that "a person must be alone to find truth, God, but we are not educated to live alone, so we need a companion" (4; 23). His idea coincides with the Latin proverb "Cognosce te ipsum" meaning one should reveal the mystery of existence through his individuality. The guru suggests feeling harmony with nature and a person's soul. What

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