to these aspects types, a structure of methodical skills, a system of auditorium and out-of- auditorium forms and methods on organization of future language and literature teachers’ teaching are determined.
It is also determined that mastering of literary notions connected with a historical novel and its types-characters by students of higher educational pedagogical establishments, working out of practical skills and habits of work at literary fictions will promote the improvement of professional training to future teachers-philologists.
The thesis reveals new possibilities of teaching literature at higher pedagogical establishment and proposes a concrete methodology to teachers-philologists.
Key words: historical literary type-character, historical novel, pedagogical knowledge, specificity; skills forming to analyse, historical, national, humanitarian, historical-functional aspects; methodical system, a future teacher of language and literature, professional training.
Віддруковано в редакційно-видавничому відділі
Глухівського державного педагогічного інституту
ім. С.М.Сергєєва-Ценського
41400 Сумська обл., м. Глухів, вул. Радянська, 24.
Замовлення № 327. Тираж 100 прим.