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Classification Quarterly. - 2008. - Vol. 45. - N. 3. - P. 25-37.

Gorman M. Why teach cataloging and classification? / Michael Gorman // Cataloging and Classification Quarterly. - 2002. - Vol. 34. - N. 1/2. - P. 1-13.

ALA's Core Competencies of librarianship. Final version [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://www.ala.org/ala/educationcareers/ca- reers/corecomp/finalcorecompstat09.pdf. - Title from the screen. - (Дата звернення 27.08.2009).

Svenonius E. The intellectual foundation of information organization / Svenonius E. - Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2000. - 264 p. - Digital libraries and electronic publishing series.

Knowledge Organization and Classification in International Information Retrieval / ed. Nancy Joyce Williamson and Clare Beghtol. - Binghamp- ton, N. Y.: Haworth Pr., 2003. - 244 p. Див. також рец. на цю кн.: McIlwaine,

C. [Review on: Knowledge Organization and Classification in International Information Retrieval / ed. Naney J. Williamson and Clare Beghtol] // Library Resources and Technical Services. - 2005. - Vol. 49. - N. 1. - P. 62-65.

Ingetraut D. Knowledge organization: a new science? / Dahlberg Inget- raut // Knowledge Organization. - 2006. - Vol. 33. - P. 11-19.

Nonaka I. The Knowledge-Creating Company / Ikujiro Nonaka // Harvard Business Review. - 1991. - Nov.-Dec. - P. 96-99.

Lee H.-W. Knowledge Management and the Role of Libraries [Electronic resource] / Hwa-Wei Lee. - Mode of access: http://www.white-clouds.com/ iclc/cliej/cl19lee.htm. - Title from the screen. - (Дата звернення 27.08.2009).

Thellefsen Т. Knowledge Profiling: The Basis for Knowledge Organization / Torkild Thellefsen // Library Trends. - 2004. - Vol. 52. - N. 3. - P. 507-514.

BucklandM. K. Information and information systems / Buckland M. K. // New York: Praeger, 1991. - 225 p.

Reitz J. M. Dictionary for library and information science / Joan M. Reitz. - Westport, CT; London : Libraries Unlimited, 2004. - 788 p.

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