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39 Там само. - Арк.34.

40 Єфремов С. Щоденники. 1923-1929. - К., 1997. - С.135.

41 Шаповал М. Трагедія Петлюри. 22.VI. 1926 // ЦДАВО України. - Ф.3563. - Оп.І. - Спр.60. - Арк.135-145.

42 Олесіюк Т. Зміна поколінь // Листи до приятелів (Нью-Йорк; Торонто). - 1953. - Ч.3. - С.2-3.

The article highlights the activity of Symon Petliura as UNR politician. Since November 1920 till his death in May 1926 he had been in emigration in Poland and France. The personality of Symon Petliura is viewed against the background of international events and in context of his acceptance in Ukraine. The author focused on 3 aspects: Petliura as a statesman and supporter of independent UNR's traditions who considered Bolsheviks as occupants of Ukraine and fought for its liberation; as a politician who advocated European development of Ukraine and good- neighborly relations with Poland; and as a leader supported by Ukrainian immigrants who shared his Upper-Dnipro central political views.

78 Рожков А. Указ. соч. - С.361.

79 Костюк Г. Зустрічі і прощання. Спогади. - Кн.1. - Едмонтон, 1987. - С.99.

80 Кирсанова Р. Указ. соч. - С.49.

In the article on the basis of a wide range of contemporary records and various documents the ways of constructions of proletarian identity by Ukrainian students are analyzed, as a social disguise was a necessary condition for getting education by the youth who did not have workers' and peasants' origin.

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