to a conversation where both parties are responding to one another in real time. Living up to their name, IMs happen in the moment and, unlike e-mail, they are reactive. The next thing you type depends on the message you receive. With their rapid-fire speed it's easy to forego discipline and make silly mistakes - such as making assumptions that have little or no facts behind them, promises that can't be fulfilled or disclosing private company information. Mistake 7: Assuming people have time to read your entire message. To be most effective, whenever possible, e-mail messages should contain all the most pertinent and important data in the first paragraph. Most of us have a short attention span when reading from a computer screen and if we think we know where the message is going, it's easy to save time and move onto the next message without having read the nugget of information buried in the last paragraph. Mistake 8: Mismatching the sender's tone. One of the toughest aspects of writing e-mail is developing a feeling of rapport - especially if you don't know the person with whom you are corresponding. Writers with a formal, no-nonsense style usually like a similar response. For others who take a more chatty and expressive approach to their emails, respond in kind. Mistake 9: Lack of a clear request. You know how frustrating it can be to read and reread an e-mail and not know what the sender really wants, "Is it an FYI or do I need to do something?" Email senders take note; specific requests are essential in email. Make sure yours are clearly defined, have a timeframe attached to them and include any necessary background information. If your email isn't a request label it an FYI. Mistake 10: Not re-reading before you hit 'send'. As any contractor knows the rule is "measure twice, cut once." By reading your e-mail over before you send it you can catch and correct all sorts of mistakes before they get to the recipient and possibly create a bad impression or put you and/or your company in hot water.
How is cohesion achieved in the text?
1. Complete the following using information from the text above:
Don't let convenience blind you…
Create a positive impression by…
An erased e-mail is gone forever…
Important data in the first paragraph….
Feeling in e-mail letter…
No clear request…
Read what you send.
2. Support or refuse the following statements.
It's always a good idea to use a clear and descriptive subject line.
People have enough time to read entire message.
E-mail letters are good for everything.
The best style during writing message is formal.
3. Suggest the English for the following:
Прочитай його електронне повідомлення до того, як відправити.
Завжди пам’ятай про важливу роль етикету у написанні повідомлення.
Найважливішу інформацію краще писати на початку повідомлення.
Чітке визначення мети повідомлення – запорука успіху вашого електронного листа.
4. Compare the text from unit 1 and the text from this unit. Say what they have in common. Are the cohesion devices the same?
5. How can you characterise texts from both units?
6. What is the style of the text “Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Email” written?
Being a specialist of writing e-mail letters, you have been invited to teach young bank workers to write messages correctly. Explain your customerrs the rules of writing and designing e-mail letters
Комплекс вправ для розвитку дискурсивної компетенції
1. Тип вправи: продуктивна, комунікативна, контрольована.
Мета: актуалізація фонових знань за темою глобалізація.
Answer the following questions:
What is globalisation?
What are the main purposes of globalisation?
What can make Ukraine an active member of the globalized world?
What are the main advantages of globalisation can you see?
What are the main disadvantages of globalisation?
2. Тип вправи: рецептивно-репродуктивна, умовно-комунікативна, контрольована.
Мета: введення нової термінології
Give Ukrainian equivalents of th following words.
1. Violence | a) to be holy and deserving respect, especially because of a connection with a god
2. Sustainability | b) something that you do or give to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make something successful
3. Dimension | c) actions or words which are intended to hurt people
4. Sacredness | d) little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time
5. Contribution | e) a measurement of something in a particular direction, especially its height, length or width
3. Тип вправи: рецептивно-репродуктивна, комунікативна, контрольована.
Мета: актуалізація фонових знань студентів, закріплення нової лексики.
Complete the crossword.
1. A sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering.
2. A terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction, suffering, or death.
3. A film or television or a radio programme that gives detailed information about a particular subject.
4. A computer system that allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information.
5. Facts or details that