tell you something about a situation, person, event etc.
6. Something that happens, especially something important, interesting or unusual.
7. The information, skills, and understanding that you have gained through learning or experience.
8. The ability to form pictures or ideas in your mind.
9. Behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically.
10. Something that you watch on television or listen to on the radio.
11. A piece of electronic equipment shaped like a box with a screen, on which you can watch programmes.
A programme on television or on the radio or a performance for the public, especially one that includes singing, dancing, or jokes.
4. Тип вправи: рецептивно-репродуктивна, комунікативна.
Мета: закріплення нової лексики, розпізнавання та адекватне розуміння лексичних одиниць з своєрідною семантикою в тексті, формування вміння узагальнювати та синтезувати факти.
Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying special attention to the words in bold type.
We come together from many countries to continue our exploration of pathways to Globalisation for the Common Good.
The time has come for concrete new democratic and non-violent strategies that reflect global, regional, and local cultural and spiritual realities.
The strong engagement of these dimensions of human endeavor is vital if we are to address the critical issues that arise in the wake of globalisation.
We urge the recognition of the spiritual dimension of the global dilemma in the early 21st century.
We must strengthen the influence of the majority of humans that wish to live in peace.
We strongly endorse efforts to combine our collective intelligence to build globalization from the bottom-up.
We declare our global sovereignty and claim our global citizenship for the first time.
As committed participants in the Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative we commit our individual and group support.
5. Тип вправи: продуктивна, комунікативна.
Мета: навчити учнів передбачати соціокультурний зміст статті за заголовком.
Read the title of the article and say what the text deals with.
6. Тип вправи: рецептивно-репродуктивна, некомунікативна.
Мета: розуміння загального змісту тексту, впізнавання основних слів-опор
Read the text and define its main idea.
An Interfaith Perspective on Globalisation for the Common Good:
The Sixth Annual International Conference
“All roads lead to Istanbul.” Meeting place of two continents and capital of two empires [the Byzantine and the Ottoman], Istanbul has been a crossroads of cultures for nearly 1800 years. The city offers a powerful metaphor for understanding and reconciliation between East and West. We gather here on the beautiful campus of Fatih University, grateful for their warm hospitality and support. We come together from many countries, six faiths, and countless areas of expertise to continue our exploration of pathways to Globalisation for the Common Good. In Turkey we experience the vital bio-diversity of the Earth and the rich cultural diversity of humankind. Our time here has been richly inspiring and profoundly motivating. It has yielded a very fruitful dialogue.
In this sixth international conference we affirm our shared commitment to non-violent conflict resolution and the building of cultures of peace around the world. The urgency of the challenge is particularly apparent in a region of the world that is so tragically afflicted by violence. The time has come for concrete new democratic and non-violent strategies that reflect global, regional, and local cultural and spiritual realities.
We recognize the deep-seated human desire for harmony in diversity, the source of our strength. We strongly acknowledge the interdependence of peace with justice and ecological sustainability. We recognize the urgent need for dialogue not only among the religions but also between religion and the sciences and between the religious and secular spheres. The strong engagement of these dimensions of human endeavor is vital if we are to address the critical issues that arise in the wake of globalisation. We believe that education is the key that unlocks the door to globalisation for the common good. We call in particular for approaches to education that nurture interreligious and intercultural understanding, awareness of interdependence, moral values, and global citizenship. These essential elements shape personal decisions of social consequence, concern for the well being of others, and respect for other human beings and for the whole of the planetary community.
The movement from the myth of redemptive violence to the new story of restorative justice has informed our inquiry and inspired our deliberations. We urge the recognition of the spiritual dimension of the global dilemma in the early 21st century and of the spiritual component that must be present in the solutions we attempt.
We believe that enduring change emerges through the cooperative activity of men and women. Visionary activists must therefore work towards the evolutionary social transformation of fundamental values, especially those bearing on the empowerment of women.
We strongly acknowledge the vital importance of the following critical challenges for the 21st century. Each is a source of violence. But as we address each urgent issue, we open up a wellspring of peace. The path to that end leads through respectful encounter with the other, open dialogue, and cooperative common action to address the problems