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—1991 —№2.—С 19-21 4 Belwke M , Eyier F D The consequences of prenatal substance use for the developing newborn and young child // Int J Addict —1993 —V 28, №13 —P. 1341-1391.

5. ChamoffJ J , Landress Н. J , Barret M. E The prevalence of illicit drug or alcohol use during pregnency and discrepancies in mandatory reporting in Pinnelas County, Florida//New Engi J Med — 1990.— V. 332, Н 17.- P. 1202-1206.

6. Fmnegan L P Perinatal morbidity and mortality in substance using families: effects and intervention strategies // Bull Narcotics — 1994. — V. 46, № 1. — P. 19-43

7. Summary tables annualized estimates from the national pregnancy and health survey // U S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute on Drug Abuse — 1994. — Sept. 12 — Table 1.

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