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Мировая экономика и международние отношения.- 1996. - № 12. - С. 90-98.

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Скаленко О., Дрозденко В. Проблеми входження України до Європейського Союзу // Розбудова держави. - 1996. - № 2. - С. 1-33.

Фадеева Т. Единая Европа: наследие и судьба // Вопроси философии. - 1992. - № 4. - С. 108-117.

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Peter van Ham. Ukraine, Russia and European Security: Implications for Western Policy. - Paris, 1993. - 61 p.


Ukraine on the Way of its Integration into the European Union

The article is focused on the different aspects of the relationship between Ukraine and the European Union. The author illustrated all the most important steps concerning to the Dialogue “Uktraine – EU: 1991-1999”. According to the problem, the author analysed all the factors of the “european choise of Ukraine” and investigated the problems and accomplishments of Ukraine towards integration into the European Communities. The possible scenarios for the future development “Ukraine – the EU” relationship also have been reviewed. Namely, the author has made shrewed prognoses of the future bilateral relations. Consiquently, the author has analysed the past, present and future of the ukrainian integration into the European Union.

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