свідоме навчання, друга – підсвідоме в процесі спілкування. Для наочності можна продемонструвати учням таку таблицю:
Також треба пояснити учням цю точність (accuracy) необхідна при вивченні повного матеріалу – граматичного, лексичного і фонетичного. І при навчальних діях, спрямованих на формування точності висловлювання, помилки виправляються в процесі навчальної діяльності (виконання вправ). Швидкість (fluency) важлива для процесу комунікації, і помилки перевіряються після виконання вправ, спрямованих на формування швидкості мовлення.
Завдання 4.
With you deskmate deside on the question c). This card will be helpful for you.
How many different kinds of activity do use in your classes in an average week? Tick all those listed that you used in the last week.
describing pictures
to a story
learning the dialogue
grammar exercises a quiz
a game
role play
listening to a song
asking questions in pairs
watching a video
using dictionaries
working out the rules
brainstorming ideas
discussing ideas
making lists
choral repetition
free writing
physical response
to instraction
Завдання 5. Discuss your ideas with the rest of your class.
Для домашнього завдання можливо дати таку анкету.
Do you have a positive attitude?
Tick the sentence if it is true. Put a cross if it is not true. If you don‘t know, put a ?.
I am usually very active in class.
English is a difficult language.
It is important to study at home.
I like to think about the rules of English.
English spelling is crazy.
I like to use my imagination.
I can‘t understand English grammar. It is too complicated.
I can learn from my mistakes.
I am good at English.
I enjoy learning English.
I don‘t want to speak in English. I feel shy.
If i don‘t understand, I ask the teacher or another student.
№ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
3 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3
0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0
? | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0
20 – 31 You are very positive about learning English. Well done!
10 – 20 Not bad! Try to be more positive – it will help you learn better. Remember to be active in class. Don’t be afraid to speak. You can learn from your mistakes.
0 – 10 You feel a bit negative about learning English. Why? Try to find something you like about English, and practise that. You can be good, you just need time and practise.
Завдання 6. Find out what kind of attitude towards studying English you have and report what kind of activities would be useful to you as a learner.
Дані завдання можуть бути запропоновані на першому етапі формування ІС, де учні повинні усвідомити, що вони очикують від даного курсу; що таке процес навчання, і які необхідні дії для ефективного вивчення іноземної мови.
На другому етапі учням необхідно визначити, які існують стилі навчання, який стиль навчання у них уже сформувався і якому вони надають перевагу. Для цього ми пропонуємо такі завдання.
Завдання 1. Here is information about different learning styles and try to deside which of them suit you most of all. There can be not the only one.
Individual learning styles have been categorised in various ways. The classification below represent some of these ways, and we can see how learning styles link with activities.
Sensory preference
Visual learners
These learners learn best when they can see things:
they like to have things wtitten down
they respond well to pictures
they like using books and taking notes.
Auditory learners
These learners find it easier to learn when they hear explanations:
they enjoy listening to tapes or to the teacher.
they like making tape recordings of what they are learning.
Physical or kinaesthetic learners
These learners need to be actively involved in doing a task in order to learn easily:
they often like to move around and find it boring to sit still
they will probably enjoy role plays or handling physical objects.
they like a variety of classroom activity and actively participate in them.
Concrete learners
These learners like hands-on, practical activity:
they will learn something if it has a purpose
they enjoy games, simulations and role plays and are experimental by nature.
Abstract learners
These learners are happy with theory and may be good at thinking rationally and logically:
they enjoy ideas and learn well through books
they may be good at reading and writing and less inclined to more practical exercises.
Sequential learners
These learners are good at classifying and arranging knowledhe:
they may be very analytical, industrious and reliable.
Random learners
These learners tend to be more imaginative and intuitive:
they may come up with original ways of looking at things and new ideas.
Of course, any individual will have a mixture og chsrscteristics: it is very unusual for anyone to be a pure example of one learning style. Often people who learn best use a mixture of learning styles. You should try learning in different ways by practising lots of different activities in English class. You