to do is to get someplace warm, and to get there as quickly as possible.
(Melinda G. Kramer)
2.»Apple Cake».
The apples are peeled and chopped and mixed with raisins, sultanas, milk, and sugar. Flour and butter (softened) are mixed together in another bowl. The fruit mixture and the egg are admitted to the flour and butter mixture and mixed carefully. The mixture obtained is put into a buttered 20-centimetre square cake tin. A little white sugar is put on the top. The cake is cooked in the oven at 170 C for 1 hour 45 minutes.
(John & Liz Soars)
3.One night during my junior year of high school I put away my homework, turned out the light, and slipped into bed. But I did not go to sleep. I began to think about Anna. The clock ticked. Sleep would not come. Anna. Anna.She simply would not leave my thoughts. Finally I got up of bed, turned on the light, sat down at the desk and wrote her a letter. She never received it. That was the night Anna died.
(Van Varner)
4.Mark & Spencer, Britain’s favourite store.
There is no special secret about M&S store. It bases its business on three principles: good value, good quality, and good service. Also, it changes with the times - once it was all jumpers and knickers. Now it’s food, furniture, flowers as well. Top fashion designers advise on styles of clothes.
But perhaps the most important key to its success is its happy, well-trained staff. Conditions of work are excellent. There are company doctors, dentists, hairdressers, and even chiropodists to look after the stuff, and all the stuff can have lunch for under 40p. That is why it became so successful.
(John & Liz Soars)
5.France has a population of 38.8 million. It is usual in Europe because it has more single young men than single young women. It has about 20% unemployment but the tourist industry brings high seasonal employment. The people often borrow to buy houses. Many, however, have second holiday homes. Most people cook with gas, not electricity. They like low alcohol drinks.
(John & Liz Soars)
2.Read the pairs of the writer’s purposes and objects given below. Match them with the text extracts by putting the text extract numbers into the boxes opposite to them.
Writer’s Purpose (P) and Object(O).
a.P.: to describe some peculiar features about life in France. O.: France.
b.P.: to describe the stages of preparing a cake. O.: a process of cooking.
c.P.: to make conclusions about trade at M&S. O.: M&S’s business .
d.P.: to retell about past events. O.: strange events which happened to the author in the past.
e.P.: to prove that sitting in the winter night out-of-doors is not at all romantic. O.: a winter night.
3.Read the speech-type-list given below and try to guess what their difference is. Try to decide to which speech types the text extracts above belong. Explain your choice.
Speech Types.
Subject description (SD).
Process description (PD).
Narration (N).
Reasoning-argumentation (RA).
Reasoning-deduction (RD).
Після первинного з‘ясування студентами взаємозалежності мети, предмета та КМФ писемного мовлення на конкретних прикладах відбувається узагальнення таких знань за допомогою, наприклад, наступного завдання.
4.Read the items given below. They all disclose the essential difference between the speech types. Look through the text extracts above once more and decide what this difference is.
1. Writer’s purpose:
to describe object(s)
to describe process(es);
to retell about some order of events in the past;
to prove that something is true/ false;
to solve a problem by making conclusions.
2. The object which is concerned:
past events;
question(s)/ problem(s).
3. Text peculiarities:
order of events;
process stages;
descriptive words.
3.Try to characterize the speech types due to the items above.
Виконання студентами цих завдань дозволяє перейти до наступного кроку навчальної моделі.
2. Вибір КМФ, адекватної до комунікативного наміру та предмета мовлення (Making a decision about an appropriate speech type or their combination to embody the purpose and the object best).
З‘ясування взаємозалежності мети, предмета мовлення та КМФ, що їм відповідає, раціонально, на нашу думку, здійснювати за допомогою розробленої нами таблиці 2 (Взаємозалежність мети, предмета ПМ та комунікативно-мовленнєвих форм).
Таблиця 2
Purpose, Object and Speech Type
Purpose | to give a complete and appropriate information about: | to retell about some events which happened in the past | to solve a problem by means of:
Object | subject/
subjects | process/
processes | proving/
disproving theses | working out a new idea/ making conclusions
subject/ subjects
(a human being, an animal, a landscape, a room or house,etc). | subject
speech type
actions as stages of a process (e.g.:
recommendations on how to make sth) | process description
events that happened in the past one after another | narration
problem/ problems which should be solved by proving/
disproving ideas,
theses | reasoning-argumentation
speech type
problems which should be solved by working out a new idea/ ideas | reasoning-
speech type
Ознайомлення студентів з цією таблицею можна супроводжувати, наприклад таким завданням:
4.Review the Table 2 which shows the interdependence between the speech type, writer’s purpose and object which is concerned (what purposes and objects are typical for different speech types). Read and listen to two more text