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age isn’t simply a sum of the specific things the child do. In this case psychologist we too give parents two warnings. The first one is not to match the child to it. Each child goes through the stages of grown, he may be a little anead if or a little behind the behaviour typical of his or her age. Thus parents shouldn’t be worried it their child is a little faster or slower then average. Psychologist recommend parents not compare your child with the aerage as to compare the child with himself. Anattractive chsild’s behaviour is “just a stage” and parents must be little more relaxed about it. They mustn’t flame too many people for the behaviour. Careful analysis of behaviour shows that distinctive sequence of behaviour stages seems to occur reparably as the child natures. There exist cycles of behaviour. Thus the first cirde occurs between 2-5 years once again between the 2-5 years of age, repeats it sell from 5 to 10 and occurs once again between the ages of 10 and 16. Each child gives he or her own undividual twist to these age sequences. Periods if relative equilibrium fend to the behaviour is less calm less well adjusted. And certainly behaviour can be out of bounds. The author gives the following: 4 year old child can reach out of bounds stage ahead of time or behind it. He may be such a lente nature that even at his work, he doesn’t go far out of bounds or on the contrary he may be when a vigorows nature that at ready age he’s more or less out of bounds. Sometimes when there’s complete and considerable disequilibrium’s between the child and his environment some children seem to be in harmony and peace with themselves even at ages when their behaviour is quite disturbing for those who are around them. So parents must by all means the rhythms of growth, the alternations between expansive and inwardized ages between harmonious and inharmonious periods and to recognize that calm is often if not always followed by storm and vice versa. Each child is an individual and this fact must always be kept in mind. It’s also a matter of great importance to remember that every age has it’s positive as well as negative aspects and even in the “worse” ages there is always a “better” side. For example 6 year old may be often rebellions ages save demanding selfish but at the some time he shows great enthusiasm and love of life. Some things seem terrible to him, but others can be wonderful. He child may love his parent one minute but hates the next. Each age may bring change for the “worse” but it’s also quite certain to bring changes for the better. The parents should remember that all children differ and that each child has he or her characteristic ways of behaviour. The child during his life go through different stages of behaviour and he makes this in his own individual way just remember what parents often say: Oh, Johnny’s always been like that let him take his time. He doesn’t + mix with the other children he just likes to play by himself or she’s never been a good pupil but she’s a wonderful help at home. Many years of studying individuality and individual’s behaviour show that we behave as we do because of the way our bodies are buiet. This way is called constitutional psychology. One or the most important things that parents can do it if they want to know worse about their child’s personality is to familiarize theme – selves. They should know the differences in structure knowing and understanding these differences in structure will help to understand differences in human behaviour. Many scientists believe that from the way a human being is buiet the can predict how he might act (his eating, sleeping, social behaviour), what kind of behaviour he’ll in different situations, the possibility or impossibility of achieving a succers in activities requiring physical skill. The parents ought to be sure in the interest of their child in competition, to what extent he’ll express emotions his if he has courage and how much for combat how bravely he’ll face physical pain. For example a person who shows indifference in the face of pain is exercising no more will power than the one who flinches at physical pain. His reaction on pain may be different because of his body structure. Under stranding all these differences parents must take into consideration that are result if basic differences in physical structure and not the result of the at the surroundings. This will help them in their efforts to understand not only their children but themselves as well. All of us must remember that human behavior is untruly determined by hereditary factors. The body structure provides
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