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Формування особистості та поведінки маленьких дітей з позиції біхевіоризму
has reached are very important in determining his behaviour as well as the way he’s treated by you or anybody else. The staves of behaviour which take place in the course of the child’s development are in many ways limitar from child to child. Jo get to the top the child of course must climb all the steps. But though these steps are just the same to everybody the way the child climbs them is a little different for every child. The way he climb, these steps and expresses the common patterns of the behaviour vary according to his basic individuality. And parent’s should keep in mind that they are those who need to discover and appreciate their own child’s individuality. Appreciating and certainly recognizing the child’s basic personality is one the most difficult but one of the most rewarding tasks of parenthood. But the parents have to do it themselves. Does and stages come first and of course they are the easiest because there’re much a like for all children. The third factor needed to be thought about is the child’s environment. It’s of course highly individual miller. What must be the best for one child may be perfect for another child. There’s one more vital aspect of environment which should be understood and manipulated. One of the most important things parents can do for their childrenis to feed them right. A good diet is extremely essential if you want to keep your children in good health. Now it has been taken for granted that a good and proper diet doesn’t only produce better physical health but can rewet in improved behaviour. Poor diets can have a highly adverse effect on behaviour. They can cause problems which range from moodiness, lethargy, irritability to bedwetting. Keep disfurbances, poor schoolwork and even delinquency. And as a result if then poor health. Children can be often helped when proper attention is paid to their diet. Even children with no problems who are good eaters can be helped to more problems who are good eaters can be helped to more effective by proper nutrition and, by being protected from foods and jther substances which cause different allergies. One more significant moment worth mentioning. As the child’s body matures it becomes larger and larger. Behaviour growth is much more complicated. One can be sure that while growing older children get bigger but one can’t guarantee they will get better. Certainly, they’ll become more self-different. They’ll be able to me their bodies and words and even thought’s more effectively scientist studies of normal children have shown that the general trend to the so-called “improvement” in behaviour is not always steady and uninterrupted – Each new age level trends to bring it’s own advantages and disadvantages. It was no ficed that as the child grows older his or her behaviour will or should become smoother and, better balanced and will move from an early stage of disequilibrium on to increasing equilibrium. When the behaviours gets worse the parents should look at the child’s environment. Personal-social as well as pos fural behaviour tends to develop in spiralino fashion. The stages of disequilibrium and equilibrium alternal through the first 16 years of life. Each parent must appreciabe that any stage be the so-called good behaviour must break up before the more advanced stage of equilibrium can be gained. Thus for example a baby who was so docile about feeding may at a year demand his own feeding implements. Added mafurity causes different child’s reaction: 2 years old may demand: I do it myself; independence in the 6 year old who says: No, I won’t. try and make me though at 5 he was pleased to obey, his mother: helpful 10 years old turning into rebellious 11 years old who cries: I don’t want to help you with your dishes. It may also change an enthusiastic outgoing 14 years old into a brooding moody 15 fortunately all these changes do not occur at random. They’re held in a lawful and patterned way does when the child is in better balance meaning with hiself and with the people and forces his world alternate with outside world. So when your child’s behaviour turns for the worse the reason may not be in the fact that something has gone wrong in his environment. It may be that a stage of equilibrium has been. By a stage of disequilibrium. Better or worse behaviour tends to alternate with ages. There is also equally rhythmic alternation. Too concentrated (focal) behaviour is followed by widespread or peripheral behaviour to help the individual be neither one extreme not the other. Parent may prefer their children being conservative and close to home or expansive and adventures. But at each stage parents should try to have patience with it’s opposite because children grow through these opposite extremes.
Behaviour at any