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Реферат - Вимоги торгівлі.
“management” - управління

The vocabulary of the article can be olivided into two groups: general and special words. Among general words one could see: people plan, to know, to consider, time, work, territory. Special terms are the following: revenue, income, profit, firm, corporation, management, customer, price, market, demand, supply, taxes, price elasticity, percentage. They are economical terms and even sentences.

There are also many international words, borrowed from Latin and Greek: idea, organization, analyze, result, percent, factor, business, process, management.

This article contains many antonyms. Ex: success and failure; satisfactory – inelastic; high–price range – the low-price range.

According to the morphological composition of nouns there are simple, derivative and compound nouns in the artide.

Simple nouns are nouns which have neither prefixes nor suffixes. They are intercomposable: work, sale, plan, demand, credit, time, product, career.

Derivative, nouns are nouns which have derivative elements (prefixes, suffixes or both)

-er: worker, manager, consumer, employer;

-ness: awareness, carelessness, preparedness;

- able: programmable, predictable;

-ably, -ebly: words with such ending aren’t frequently used in the article: uncontrollably, unthinkable, restrainedly, unguardedly;

-ty: reality, difficulty;

-otion, -ation: words with such endings are widely used in the article. It may happen because of the definite author’s style of writing or because such words are mostly business terms and they have an orientation forwards matters terms of business and management. Ex: information, promotion, relation, organization, coordination, illustration, simulation, satisfaction;

-ship: friendship, relationship;

-ee: trainee, employee;

-ance: performance, insurance, acceptance, importance;

-ment: management, environment, employment, development.

Compound nouns are nouns built from two or more items. They often differ from the meanings of its elements.

For example: sales people, supervision, salesperson, goodwill, salesman.

There are two classes of nouns:

1) proper nouns

personal names: Mike Batemen, Alice Jenson

geographical names: Dallas, Waco, Fort Worth

name of organization: Procter & Gamble

2) Common names

class nouns: firm, organization, corporation

collective nouns: machinery, government, crew, society, family, people, nation

nouns of material: paper, product, good

abstract nouns: quality, kindness, idea, hour, challenge.

While analyzing the text some difficanties appeared. First of all it is because of wide semantic of words. The word “account” was the hardest to translate. It is translated as: 1) рахунок, розрахунок; 2) звіт, торговельний баланс; 3) думка, оцінка; 4) підстава, причина. In the case “account analysis” it was translated as “аналіз клієнтів, поділ клієнтів на категорії”.

Secondly, there were some difficulties with translating those terms which consist of one, two or more words. For example:

“price floors” –мінімальний рівень цін чи рівень мінімальних цін

“call” – візит

“time planning” – розподіл часу

“other things equal”- за інших рівних умов

“quantity demanded” – кількість запитуваного товару

“product line” – серія товарів

In the article I have met a great number of modal verbs, especially may and can that are used to show the speaker’s attitude forwards the actions or state indicated by the infinitive is considered as possible, impossible.

Grammatical analysis

All the sentences in the article have their own structure. The construction of every sentence has its own peculiarities of translation. It is worth admitting that almost all the sentences in the article are used in Present Indefinite Tense (85%). Characterizing the subject it expresses a current or permanent action in the present.

Example: “The sales person determines the frequency of calls for each class of account in the territory” – Продавець визначає як часто він буде відвідувати клієнтів – представиків різних категорій” (ст. 447).

“There are seven factors to consider in time allocation…” – “Розподіляючи свій час, варто взяти до уваги сім основних факторів” (ст. 447).

Indefinite and Perfect Tense are usual to describe the development of some research studies. They denote actions performed with a period of time of time which is already over.

Example: “We lived in Baltimore and I drove 40 miles everyday…” – Ми жили в Балтіморі і мені треба було проїздити 40 миль кожного дня...” (ст. 447)

“Analysis of accounts in the territory has resulted in determining the total number of territory accounts…” - “Поділ клієнтів на категорії став причиною всіх клієнтів на торгівельній території...” (ст. 448)

Continuous forms are not inherent to the scientific style, that is why there are few sentences with Present Continuous Tense, which denote the actions in progress at a present moment.

Example: “High salaries indicate that organizations recognize the importance of their sales people and are willing to pay for results (p. 450)” – “Високі заробітні платні вкладають на те, що деякі фірми усвідомляють важливість роботи своїх працівників і охоче платять їм за результати праці.”

All the sentences in the article are used both in Active and passive Voices. Active voice dominates in those parts where the description of sale people takes plal.

Example: “Sales people often take prospects to lunch” – “Часто продавці запрошують своїх потенційних клієнтів на обід”

Almost 55% of the text is written in Passive Voice. Forms of Passive Voice can be rendered into Ukrainian by some ways. The way of translation depends on lexical and syntactical characteristics of the sentences.

Example: “All the small accounts are contracted once a mouth” – Всіх дрібних клієнтів продавець відвідує раз на місяць”

As for verbals Participle, gerund and Infinitive are widely used here.


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