is no gerund in the Ukrainian language and the English gerund is rendered in Ukrainian in different ways: by noun, by an infinitive, by a subordinate clause.
Example: “Routs creating is very important for lach sales person” – “Планування маршруту відіграє важливу роль для кожного продавця” (ст. 250)
Infinitive can be translated by a finite verb and a subordinate clause.
Example: “One way to accomplish this is to spend more time on each sales call and to make more total sales calls during the year…” – “Щоб цього добитися, треба більше часу приділяти кожньому візиту до клієнта і щбільшити загальну кількість візитів за рік” (ст. 446)
2 found the usage of Participle I in the article. Participle I as an adverbial modifier in Active Voice is used, as a rule, with some words which depend on it. Participle I is rendered into Ukrainian by means of a word combination (preposition+noun), and by some other methods.
Example: “After training, a sales person is given responsibility for a sales territory” (p. 445) – “Після навчання продавець відповідає за свою торгівельну торгівлю”.
Syntactic level
Almost all sentences are declarative. But there are some interrogative and imperative sentences. They are used to emphasise some thoughts, facts or ideas.
Example: “How does the effective sales person manage time?” – “Як успішному продавцеві вдається првельно організувати свій час” (ст. 449)
“Have a productive lunchtime” – “Використайте обід для укладання угоди” (ст. 451)
While translating 2 have noticed that most sentences are compound, complex or compound-complex and they make up 2/3 part of the text. The clauses of sentences are connected mostly synthetically i.e. by means of:
1) coordinating conjunctions (and, or, else, but, etc.) or conjunctive adverbs (otherwise, however, nevertheless, therefore, etc.) – in compound sentences.
Example: “A sales person should identify all prospects and present customers” – “Продавець повинен визначати всіх постійних і майбутніх клієнтів.”
2) conjunctions (that, if, whether), conjunctive adverbs (where, when, why) and connectives (who, what, whoever, whatever) – in complex sentences.
Example: “This classification determines where the sales person’s time is invested” –Такий поділ дозволяє побачити, не що продавець витрачає свій час”. (ст. 444)
As it is necessary to mention that some independent elements of one sentence, parenthesis in particular are used in the text. A parenthesis either shows the author’s attitude forwards he thought expressed in the sentence, or connects a given sentence with other one or summarizes what is said in the sentence. The text can be characterized by wide range of parenthesis, expressed by adverbs (firstly, thus, besides, moreover, ect.) and prepositional phrases (on the one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, ect.)
The word order differs greatly in Ukrainian and English. That is why while translating from English into Ukrainian it is obligatory to think about the way it should be translated in order to maintain the whole idea of the sentence.
In conclusion 2’d like to say that while translating the given article 2 used the interlinear method of translation and some additions, omissions, reductions, descriptions and substitutions in order to translate the article more literary and to make the translation more readable and easier for understanding.