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Bad Bankers: Ineffective Supervision as Major Elements in Banking Crises. – L., 1998. . Sheng Andrew, The Art of Bank Restructing: Issues and Techniques. – N.Y.,!990. . Schumper, Joseph A., The Theory of Economic Development. – L., 1995. . Kapoor Michacl Are banks ready?// Business Central Europe. – 1996 - № 2. . Ukraine in the World Economic Space: Proceedings of the Second Congress International Ukrainian Economic Association. – K., 1996. Banks Restructuring in Traditional Socialist Economies. – L., 1990. Keith Butters J., Rh. D. – N.Y., 1975. Banking Institutions in Developing Markets. – L., 1998. Weisskenneth D., Bulding an Import / Export Business Revised and Expanded.– N.Y., 1993. Potter, Douglas A. Automated Accounting Systems and Procedures Handbook.– N.Y., 1991.

20. A reflection on the State of Japan’s biggest banks // The Economist– 1995– № 7

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