in autumn to pick
mushrooms. It rained cats and
dogs. No wonder – October is an
autumn month. But the girl
remained cheerful.
November: You’re right, brother.
Winter brings us snowflakes,
Spring – green buds and shoots,
Summer brings us berries,
Autumn – golden fruit.
February: I saw her feeding birds in winter.
Grey was the sky and the wind was
Icicles hung from the window-sill.
Only the robin with a breast of red,
Sat and waited for crumbs of bread.
January: Well, darling, we’ll bring you spring
if you solve the riddle “A little old
woman with twelve children: some
short, some long, some cold, some
hot”. What is this?
Step-daughter: I’ve gussed. It’s a year.
Squirrei: Look!
The snow is melting,
The wind isn’t blowing,
The sun is shining!
The birds are singing!
The spring is coming!
Step-daughter: Oh, dear! Lots of snowdrops!
I’ve never seen so many flowers.
You’ve saved me, brother-months.
Thank you very much. | Способи семантизації
Пофразовий переклад
Пофразовий переклад, здогадка
Етап 2. Автоматизація дій учнів з новими ЛО на рівні словоформи та фрази.
Мета: Навчити учнів вимовляти нові ЛО, вживати у мовленні на рівні фрази та читати їх.
Прийоми: Бесіда в режимі “вчитель-клас”, навчальні ігри.
Імітація нових ЛО
a) Т: Do you remember brother-month’s poem about
themselves? Let’s recite it together.
T-CI: January with cold is set… (Etc).
b) T: Pinocchio would like to know the sequence of
months. Let’s tell him this.
TCI: The first month of the year is January. The
second month of the year is February. Etc.
Читання нових ЛО (про себе і вголос)
Т: We are going to play. Divide into two teams. Each
team gets twelwe cards with the names of the
months. Your task is to arrage the months in the
proper sequence as quicly as possible and read their
names aloud.
Називання нових ЛО
T: Let’s play with a ball. I’ll toss the ball and name a
month, the pupil who catches the ball, names the
month to follow.
T: February.
P1: March. Etc.
Підстановка нових ЛО у зразок мовлення
а) T: Our friend Pinocchio wants to know what the spring,
summer, autumn and winter months are what their
sequence in a season is. Help the boy.
T-CI: March, April, May are spring months. March is the
first spring month. April is the second spring
month. May is the third spring month. June, July,
August are summer months.
P1: June is first summer month.
P2: July is the second summer month.
P3: August is the third summer month. Etc.
b) T: Our friend Rolly, the parrot, thinks he knows the
sequence of months in a year. Let’s check it.
Confirm or correct his statements.
Rolly: January is the first month. Am I right?
P1: Yes, January is the first month.
Rolly: April is the second month.
P2: No, April is the fourth month. Etc.
Формування запитань з новими ЛО та відповіді на запитання.
а) T: Let’s play. I’m “It” (ведучий). I’ll think of a month of
the year/ Try to guess the month. The pupil who
guesses correctly will be “It”.
P1:Has the month got 30 days?
T: No, it hasn’t.
P2: Has is got 31 days?
T: Yes, it has.
P3: Is it a spring /summer/ autumn/ winter month? Etc.
b) T: We’re friends, aren’t we? We should know the
dates of eath other’s birthdays.
T-CI: When is your birthday, Oksana?
P1 (Oksana): It’s on the 10th of November. Etc.
Етап 3. Автоматизація дій учнів з новими ЛО на рівні понадфразоваї єдності.
Мета: Навчити учнів вживати нові ЛО на понадфразовому рівні.
Прийоми: бесіда в режимі “учень-учень”, “учень-клас”.
обмін репліками “запитання-відповідь”
T: Ask each other about your birthdays.
P1: When is your birthday, Igor?
P2: It’s on the …of…And when is your birthday,…?
P1: It’s on the … of …
Обмін репліками “твердження-твердження”
T: Check if Pinocchio remembers and months. Correct
him if he makes a mistake.
P1: (Pinocchio): May is summer month.
P2: No, May is spring month. Etc.
Об’єднання двох – трьох фраз у понадфразову єдність
T: Choose a card with the name of a month. Tell the class
what you know about it.
P1; February is chill and wet. It is winter month. February is
the second month of the year.