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Реферат на тему:

“Розвиток рекламного бізнесу

в сучасній Англії”

(англійський текст з перекладом)

My research is dedicated to the development of advertising in Great Britain. I ain absolutely convinced that this topic is actual nowadays and needs detailed researches and, of course, improvements. Although modem trade is impossible without advertising, a lot of people complain that it is unnecessary, even a waste ot money, and that prices could be cut if there was no advertising. This will be discussed in my further work but at this early point it is useful to remind that the historical and economic process is now taking place in the industrialising countries of the 'South'. The extent of advertising marks the development and prosperity of a country. At the same time advertising is one of the most important sources of trade. Witliout it, producers wouldn't be able to present their goods to a customer, and it would minimalise the amount of sold production. Here one can see a contlict between two general opinions. That's why I was encouraged to research this topic and my main aim is to show the 'evolution' ol advertising business in England, to try to detach its advantages and disadvantages, its prospects in order to prove the importance of this type of business. Some people tend to think tliat advertising is a result of disorganised modem trade system. But it is not so. Advertising is as old as civilisation and has long been used as the means of communicating the need to buy or sell goods, even for the sale of slaves in ancient times. In its style, it represents the society of the time. Advertising tends to represent the economic progress of societies, and in this respect it ranges Irom the sophistication of the industrialised world to the new life-styles of developing nations. A nation's prosperity is reflected in the extent to which advertising is used. Advertising belongs to the modem industrial world and to those countries, which are developing, and becoming industrialised. In the past when a shopkeeper or stallholder had only to show and shout Ms goods to passers-by, advertising as we know it today hardly existed. Pearly forms of advertising were signs such as the inn sign, the redand-white striped barber's pole, the apothecary's jar of coloured liquid and the wheelwright's wheel, some of which have survived until today. The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising definition says: 'advertising presents the most persuasive possible selling message to the right prospects tor the product or scrvice at the lowest possible cost'. Here we have a combination of creativity, marketing research and economic media buying. Advertising may cost a lot ot money but that cost is justified if it works effectively and economically. A good advertising campaign is one which is planned and conducted so that it achieves tlie desired results within an acceptable budget. Many advertising campaigns cost millions of pounds, but that is relative to the size of the market and the volume of sales required to maintain constant output of a factory's production capacity, whether it be a detergent or a motor-car. Deepening into the development of advertising one should research ^ts diffusion in radio, television, press and oilier spheres ot mass media. Our work presents the characteristics of these spheres, gives examples of adverts, shows the general terminology used in advertising business. Nowadays the popularity of advertising on television is spreading day by day and it is one of the best ways to represent the services. But it may be arguable tliat television lias greater impact and realism, and it is true that the biggest spenders on advertising spend most of their money on TV, but tlie number of TV advertisers is relatively small and the amount of time available for television advertising is limited. The number of advertisers in the press runs into millions and the number of publications exceeds 12,000. It is not really a matter of saying which is best since there is no comparison in their users, usage or volume... According to the tacts given in our work this type of business is progressing quickly and we may say that it hasn't finished its "evolution" yet. Advertising will be developing until there's nothing to represent... 


Дослідження присвячене розвитку реклами у Великобританії. Я абсолютно переконана, що ця тема актуальна сьогодні, а токож потребує детальних досліджень і, звичаііно, вдосконалення. Хоча сучасна торгівля неможлива без реклами, багато людей скаржаться на її непотрібність, вважають, що це навіть марнотратство і що ціни знизилися б без реклами. Але це буде розглянуто у моїй подальшій роботі, зараз же важливо було б згадати, що історичний та економічний прогрес вадбуваються у індустріалізованих країнах півдня. Діапазон використання реклами визначає розвиток і процвітання країни. У той же час реклама є одним з найголовніших джерел торгівлі. Без неї виробники не змогли б представляти свсУЇ товари покупцю, а це зменшило б

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