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Реферат - Welcome to the world of tales
63 on p. 72.

T: The English love good humour, they can understand and value good jokes. Do you

know any jokes about food and meals?


Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

T: Read the jokes, translate and retell them. Ex. 63 on p. 72.

Then, tell the class your favourite joke about meals in English.

Write a recipe for your favourite dish or simply find out how to cook it and note it down.

Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: Do you remember any key words from the lesson? Are there any key words you still have difficulty saying? What new things have you learnt about your classmates? Which was your favourite activity? Remember the proverbs:*

Live not to eat, but eat to live.*

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure,*

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

Підтема: Улюблені страви. Приготування їжі.

Мета: Формувати вміння розповідати англійською мовою, як приготувати обід або улюблену страву. Практикувати учнів в аудіюванні тексту та у відтворенні прослуханого.

Мовний матеріал: Наказовий спосіб.

Обладнання: підручник, тематичні картинки на тему "Food", тематична картина "Cooking", римування "The Hot Dog Song" (HO,), рецепт піцци (Н02), текст для аудіювання "A Hot Dog", завдання до тексту (Н03), "How to lay the table" (HO4).



Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: The topic of today's lesson is "Preparing food or Cooking". By the end of the lesson you should be able to talk about how to cook dinner, how to cook your favourite dish using the topical words. Also, I'd like to get you acquainted with the origin of the most popular dishes. But the best will be to begin by listening to the jokes or funny stories about cooking, cooks and meals that you were to prepare for the lesson.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

1) Telling jokes. Переказ тексту.

Т: Take turns to tell your jokes and funny stories. If the class listens to you attentively and, laughing expresses their understanding so it was excellent.

* 2) Pronunciation drill. Jazz-chant. Читання віршу.

T: Now, to make your speech more fluent and to make you sound natural, let's learn another jazz-chant.


The hot dog song

Have you ever had a hot dog with mustard and mayonnaise?

Have you ever had a hot dog with pepper and salt?

With mustard and mayonnaise and catchup and pickles.

Have you ever had a hot dog with pepper and salt?

With mustard and mayonnaise

and lettuce and onions

and mustard and mayonnaise

and mustard and pickles

and lettuce and onions

and mustard and mayonnaise

and pepper and salt.


Vocabulary Practice 1. Активізація лексики теми "Food".

Lexical Game "Ranking" based on the names of five kinds of dishes and their qualities. Each pupil should make such a chart: |

necessary to life | cheap | tasty | healthy | fattening



fried potatoes


beetroot soup | e. g. (1)





T: Rank the dishes according to the five qualities for example, if you think that you can get fat because of eating too much macaroni,-put 1. Fried potatoes may be the second for getting fat, and so on.

Oral Practice 2. Практикування учнів у спілкуванні.

Speaking about healthy food.

T: Form groups А, В, С, D and discuss your opinions about these dishes. Then, in the last line put down your favourite dish and analyse its qualities. By the way, what food is considered to be healthy? (Possible answers: it must have vitamins; minerals for your blood; proteins to help you grow; fats, but not many, to feed your muscles; carbohydrates to give you energy.)

Then, enumerate all kinds of healthy food and take turns to write them, out on the board.

Reading 3. Пред'явлення тексту для читання "І Prepare My Dinner", впр. 68 (стор. 73).

1) Pre-reading activity. Етап підготовки до читання тексту, a) Presentation of the recipe for the favourite dish.*

Introduction of problem vocabulary.

Семантизація лексики, необхідної для описання способів приготування їжі, за допомогою:


to lay the table; a (paper) - napkin;

to serve; a knife, a spoon, a fork, a table-spoon;

to clear the table; a sat-cellar;

a table-cloth; показу дій

показу дій перекладу

to cook to grate — терти

to fry to chop — рубати

to stew to mince —подрібнювати (у м'ясорубці)

to boil to skin — очищувати від шкіри

to mix to peel — знімати шкурку

to add to oil — змащувати олією

to pour to cut — різати

T: This is my favourite dish recipe.


T: Now, fix your recipes on the board so that everyone can observe. 6) Conversation about cooking.

T: Have you cooked any dishes according to the recipes?

How did you like it?

Do you like to cook?

If not, why don't you?

What is the most difficult or unpleasant for you in cooking?

2) While-reading activity. Етап власне читання тексту.

T: Read the text "I prepare my dinner" out loud and say if it is similar to the process of your preparing meals.

3) Post-reading activity. Обговорення прочитаного.

T: Do you also think it's too complicated to cook yourself?

Listening * 4. Пред'явлення тексту "The Hot Dog" для аудіювання.

1) Pre-listening activity. Етап підготовки до прослуховування тексту.

T: It's well-known that people living abroad prefer not to cook at home, but to buy so

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