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Applications (Artech House Telecommunications Library). Artech House. September 1997 Catherine A. Allen. Smart Cards : Seizing Strategic Business Opportunities : The Smart Card Forum. Irwin Professional Pub. November 1996 Jose Luis Zoreda. Smart Cards. Artech House. December 1994 Ron E. Gielgun. 1 Business, 2 Approaches : How to Succeed in Internet Business by Employing Real-World Strategies. Actium Publishing. September 1998 Bruce J. McLaren, Constance H. McLaren. E- Commerce : Business on the Internet (Computer Applications Series). South-Western Pub. June 1999

Other sources:

WWW-server of Visa Internetional http://www.visa.com WWW-server of MasterCard International. http://www.mastercard.com WWW-server of BGS Smartcard Systems AG. http://www.bgs.ru WWW-server of company «I.T.» http://www.it.ru

Special thanks:

Erik Przekof. Consumer Credit Counseling Services. Farmington Hills, MI, USA

Tyra Turnquest. CCCS of the Gulf Coast & Money Management International. Houston, TX, USA

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