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Реферат - Тhe Welsh language
act of union in 1536 when it was virtually banned, it has been subjected to direct and indirect bombardment which should have demolished it once and for all. It has been neglected and discouraged for over four hundred years yet it is still very much alive. Today it is tolerated by many, rejected by many. It is used by a large number of people as a natural means of communication.

Now the scholars discussed the problem of the position of the Wales language. It could be claimed that its position is precisely in the centre, a point emphasised by Tom Nail in his analysis of the non-state nationalities of Europe. Although the Welsh-speakers are by no means among the larger groups, Welsh has a far higher status than several of the more widely spoken languages. Although the density factor if fairly low, Welsh-speakers live in a country, the other inhabitants of which recognise their kinship with the language, a bonus of immerse importance. The centrality of Welsh is interesting in itself. It may also be important, for if Welsh can solve its problems, other languages can hope to do so too


Davies Janet, The Welsh language, Cardiff, 1993. Green Mirinda, The Celtic World, London, 1996. Williams Stephen, A Welsh grammar, Cardiff, 1995. McDowall David, An illustrated history of Britain, London, 1995 Khimunina T.N., Customs, traditions and Festivals of Great Britain, Moscow, 1984. Zaitseva S. D., Early Britain, Moscow, 1975. Discover Welsh, London, 1997. Clementiyev A.G., English literature, Moscow, 1968.
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