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Реферат - International relations
of typical situations when imperialist internal policy is possible, Morgentaw pays attention to studying of aims of internal orientation. The first aim – is the world supremacy and domination, the second – a hegemony in the boundaries of a continent, the third – a local supremacy or religious domination. Expansion policy of Alexander of Macedon, Napoleon, and Hitler are historical examples of “unlimited imperialism”. Geographically limited imperialism is represented by internal policy of European countries. Seeking to occupy dominate positions in Europe: Napoleon the Fird, Ludovik the Fourteenth.

American policy in the XIX-th century is an attempt to make Canada and Mexica independent. It is also an example of continental imperialism. Examples of “regional imperialism” – internal policy of monarchy state in the XVIII-th-XX-th century: Fredrik the Great, Peter the First, Katherine the Second. Bismarck (in the XX-th century) is a master of imperial policy. He was seeking to establish German supremacy, in Central Europe. An aim of Russian imperialism is know to be a control under Finland, Eastern Europe, Iran and so on.

Imperialist internal policy is based on using of three kinds of methods: military, economical and cultural expansionism. Military imperialism – is the oldest and the most obvious form of imperialism. It is then armed seizure. “Great reforms of all times were also great seizers” – writes Morgentaw.

Economic imperialism is also a rational method of a conquest of power, it is a result of the imperialist epoch. If a state can’t expanse a territory it can attempt to set influence by means of a control under them who govern a state. The example given by Morgentaw is very vivid. The countries of Central America are sovereign states. But a spite of presence of all attributes of sovereignty, they are not the same in life and they are completely dependent from export into the USA. There fore, these states aren’t able to set up internal of external policy, wholly dependent from the position of the USA.

The nature of economic imperialism as indirect one is outlined in case of clash of interests of two large states.

Morgentaw calls cultural imperialism to be the most effective variety of all imperialist methods of settings policy. Its aim is a control under brains and mind. Such kind of control is sure to be a tool for changing of authority at the international level. “Methods of cultural imperialism” helps to win a victory and that makes another methods to be surplus now. A role of cultural imperialism is very important so as it gives an opportunity to find out a ground for economical influence. The subject of influence – a support of the 5-th colony in a state – is a vivid example of this method.

The third model, according to Morgentaw, is policy of prestige. Policy of prestige – is the third variety of policy, based on force. Internal policy of prestige is a refined aristocratic shape of social communication, which is used by diplomatic world. Policy of prestige is likely be a tool for realization of policy of Status Quo, or imperialism one there is also one fact, what says that internal and external policy of states – is only two sides of one phenomenon. A factor of seeking to social recognition in these two spheres is a stimulus to development of social-political relations and institutions. “Prestige means a reflection of actions of a state in a “miracle” of policy”.

Prestige means a reputation, authority of power. An aim of policy of prestige is to create internal image, a reputation of a state – is possible only if it realized by means of diplomacy or a demonstration of war power. For example, representatives of another states are offer asked to take part in military maneuvers by politics to show them then newest military – technical achievements and strength of a state. The whole or partial mobilization is the extreme form of internal policy. Russia had the mobilization of the whole her military forces in 1914, following the mobilization of troops of Germany, France and so on.

Functions, carried out by policy of prestige, are based on the nature of international relations, because internal policy of any state is a result of its estimation by international unities and countries.

An example the internal policy of the USA are based on evaluation of its value and importance in comparison with internal policy of another international states.

A function of policy of prestige is an influence on such kinds of evaluations a striving for strengthening of it. For example, the USA can influence the states of Latin America in such way that domination of the USA in this region is important. So, preservation of the Status Quo in Western Hemisphere is based on prestige and power of the USA.

We consider a quotation of Mortengaw about policy of prestige to be very actual. It says that policy of prestige reaches the highest pick

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