comedies has lost its aesthetic value now, proves that the secret of their long life lies in Wilde’s brilliant style and in his individuality.
1.”Learner’s Dictionary of Current English ”, by Hornby, Oxford, London, 1994.
2.”Oscar Wilde” by R.K.Miller, Frederick Ungar publishing Co.,
New York, 1984.
3.”Oscar Wilde” by H.Montgomery, Eyre Methuen, London, 1976.
4.”Oscar Wilde. The Critical Heritage” by K.Beckson, London,
Rotledge and Kegan Paul, 1970.
5.”A Short Guide to English Style” by A.Warner, London, 1976.
6.”Style in language” by T.A.Sebeok, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1960.
7.”Analitical Reading” by Sosnovskaya V.B., Moscow, 1974.
8.”A Book of Practice in Stylistics” by Kukharenko V.A., Moscow,
“Higher School” publishing house, 1986.
9.”Stylistics” by Galperin I.R., Moscow, “Higher School”, 1977.
10.”Linguistic Stylistics” by N.E. Enkvist, Mouton, The Hague,
11.”Seminars in Style” by Kukharenko V.A., Moscow, 1971.
12.”An Essay in Stylistic Analysis” by Galperin I.R., Moscow,
13.”Plays” by O.Wilde, Foreign Languages publishing house,
Moscow, 1968.
14.”Stylistic Analysis” by Soshalskaya E.G., Moscow, 1976.
15. «Вопросы языкознания», Виноградов В.В, № 1, стр.16.
16. Прохорова В.И, Сошальская Е.Г «Хрестоматия английской лингвистической литературы по стилистике», изд. МГПИИЯ,1971.