business debts нести відповідальність за
виробничі борги
to fail зазнавати невдачі
to declare personal bankruptcy оголосити про особисте банкрутство
personal assets приватна власність
tax benefits пільги по оподаткуванню
to get tax benefits отримати пільги по оподаткуванню
accountant бухгалтер, рахівник
book-keeper бухгалтер, рахівник
to do books вести бухгалтерський облік
Vocabulary Exercises
Exercise 1. Transform the sentences according to the model.
Model: I am thinking of starting my own business open a cafe.
I am thinking of opening a cafe.
1) start a car-repair shop
2) hire a book keeper
3) fire an employee
4) consult a board of directors
5) sell my business
6) do my books myself
7) consult a lawyer
8) find a specialists
Exercise 2. Transform the sentences according to the model.
Model: A book keeper will do the books.
I am going to have a book keeper do the books.
1. A partner will finance the business.
2. A salesperson will sell the clothes.
3. A decorator will design the interier.
4. A lawyer will do this work.
5. A secretary will mail the letters.
6. A colleague will give me a piece of advice.
7. A book keeper will prepare the tax report.
Exercise 3. Answer the questions.
Are you thinking of starting your own business?
2. What business do you want to start?
3. How do we call the business if you go into it alone?
4. Who is going to make the decisions and control the profits in your business?
5. Do you need a lawyer if you want to start a sole proprietorship?
6. Why don't you have to consult the partners in a sole proprietorship?
7. How many employees are you going to hire for your business? In what cases will you fire them?
8. What does it mean to have unlimited liability? Are you ready for it?
9. What will you do, if your business fails?
10. What will you do to put policies into effect quickly?
11. What businesses have tax benefits in this country?
12. Can you do your books yourself?
13. Are you going to hire a book-keeper?
Exercise 4. Translate into English.
1. Мені потрібна порада.
2. Я сам контролюю прибуток свого підприємства.
3. Якщо ви хочете зайнятися приватним підприємництвом, зверніться до юриста.
4. Директор вирішує питання, пов’язані з наймом та звільненням.
5. Я боюсь мати повну юридичну відповідальність.
6. Я не відповідаю за виробничі борги.
7. Малі підприємства мають пільги в оподатковуванні.
8. Гарний бухгалтер зможе вести справи краще, ніж ви.
9. Мені потрібно найняти бухгалтера.
10. Мені потрібно порадитися з юристом.
Exercise 5. Make up the dialogue.
You are going to start your own business. Ask a lawyer or an experienced person how to do it.
Grammar Exercises
Exercise 1. Make the sentences negative.
1. I want to start my own business.
2. You need a lawyer in this case.
3. Sole proprietorship brings much profit.
4. Sole proprietorship gets tax benefits from the government.
Exercise 2. Put up four questions of different types (general, special, disjunctive, alternative) to each sentence.
Model: The partners are responsible for business debts.
a) Are the partners responsible for business debts?
b) Why are the partners responsible for business debts?
c) The partners are responsible for the business debts, aren't they?
d) Are the partners responsible for the business debts or fulfillment of
the arrangement?
1) I want to go into business with my friend.
2) You can lose personal assets.
3) He is difficult to get tax benefits from the state.
4) I do my books myself.
5) We both have unlimited liability.
6) The board of directors decided on vacation, salary, hiring and firing.
7) The partners want to consult a board of directors.