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Реферат - Banks and business
у чомусь кар’єру

bank services - банківські послуги

checking account - чековий рахунок

savings account - ощадний рахунок із встановленим процентом

safety deposit box - сейф для депозитів, який надається приватним

особам у банку

insurance - страхування

to make a loan to smb. - давати кому-небудь позику

to be eligible for a loan - придатний для надання позики (тобто той, що

визнається платеспроможним)

long-term loan - довгострокова позика

short-term loan - короткотермінова позика

prime-rate - найменший процент з позики, який

встановлений в певний час і в певному місці

preferred customer - привілейований клієнт

to be available - наявний, той, що є в розпорядженні

line of credit - кредитний ліміт

to borrow - позичати

letter of credit - кредитний лист, акредитив

credit reference letter - рекомендований кредитний лист

Vocabulary Exercises

Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: We use the safety deposit boxes (sometimes).

We sometimes use the safety deposit boxes.

1. All the banks provide credit services (usually).

2. Banks give investment advice (sometimes).

3. Banks charge interest (always).

4. You can borrow money quickly (rarely).

5. Businesses want to borrow money (frequently).

6. The amount of interest depends on the prime-rate (generally).

7. Companies need a line of credit (seldom).

8. A line of credit is available (occasionally).

Exercise 2. Change the sentences from active into passive according to the model.

Model: They use the safety deposit boxes very often.

Safety deposit boxes are used very often by them.

1. Federal government supervises and charters national banks.

2. This bank is asking ten percent interest.

3. The bank requests a financial statement of the company.

4. Their company takes a long-term loan from the Federal Bank.

5. The executive shows the company's expenses.

6. The manager is instructing the secretary.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

1. Is there a difference between banking systems in Ukraine and western countries? What is the difference?

2. What bank services are you familiar with?

3. Do the banks in this country have safety deposit boxes?

4. Whom do the banks make loans to in this country?

5. What kind of loan would you prefer, long-term loan or short-term loan?

6. What prime-rates are available in this country?

7. What does the line of credit of the enterprise depend on?

8. What is a credit letter written for?

9. What can one do with credit reference letter?

Exercise 4.

1. Speak about banking system in Ukraine.

2. Make up a dialogue between a bankman and a customer, who wants to take a long-term (short-term) loan.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Держава засновує комерційні банки.

2. Якщо ти хочеш купити товари за кордоном, ти повинен поміняти гроші у відділі обміну валют.

3. Я б хотів зробити кар’єру в банківській справі.

4. Всі банки встановлюють проценти на позику.

5. Наш банк має намір надати короткострокову позику цьому підприємству.

6. найменший процент з позики надається привілейованим клієнтам.

7. Банки можуть випускати акредитиви та рекомендовані кредитні листи.

8. Я маю намір позичити велику суму грошей.

9. Банк вважає, що це підприємство платеспроможне і йому можна надати позику.

Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Make the sentences negative.

Model: This commercial bank had already stopped to exist when the war started.

This commercial bank hadn't stopped to exist yet when the war started.

1. He had already changed currency when I rang him up yesterday.

2. They had already chartered the commercial bank when I organized my private cafe.

3. He had looked over the financial statement by five o'clock yesterday.

4. My brother had made a career in banking when he was 26.

5. He had put all his money on his savings account before the money reform was introduced.

Exercise 2. Put up four questions of different types (general, special, disjunctive, alternative) to each sentence.

Model: They had written a credit reference letter before he left abroad.

1. Had they written a credit reference letter before he left abroad?

2. What had they written before he left abroad?

3. They had written a credit reference letter before he left abroad, hadn't they?

4. Had they written a credit reference letter or a credit letter before he left abroad?

1 He had been a preferred customer for this bank till his business was successful.

2. My parents have settled everything connected with insurance before they retired on pension.

3. He had borrowed the money before I managed to find him.

4. The lawyer had given me investment advice before I asked him about it.

5. He had arrived to the conclusion to take a long-term loan when I met him yesterday.

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