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Реферат - Retailing
expensive, but there are many interesting and original things. If you are

interested we can stop there.

Jean I'm afraid I can't. I have to cook dinner.

Liz Oh, don't trouble yourself with the dinner. Look over the coupons I've given you.

You can go out to dinner at a discount store.

Active Vocabulary

shopping guide - довідник магазинів

discount coupon - талон, який дає право на купівлю товару за

нижчою ціною

store- магазин

grocery - бакалія

shopping center - торгівельний центр

Vocabulary Practice

Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: My wife usually asks the children to do shopping.

My wife usually makes children do shopping.

1. He'll ask single line retailers to take part in the promotion campaign.

2. The chief usually asks his immediate subordinates to perform different functions.

3. It's necessary to ask him to recognize his wholesaling units.

4. It's important to influence ultimate consumer to buy this product.

5. Ask him to buy all these things in the discount house.

Exercise 2. Make responses to the sentences according to the model.

Model: I want to ask your brother to do shopping today.

Let me do shopping today myself.

1.I want my secretary to prepare the financial statement.

2. The board of directors wants the officers to plan product development.

3. He wants to speak with my friend about their possible partnership.

4.1 want a lawyer to clarify this matter.

5. The executive wants this manager to start market re

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of shops in this country do you know?

2. What shops are situated not far from your house?

3. What goods can be bought there?

4. What specific features do channels of distribution have in this country?

5. What reforms does this country need to reorganize the channels of distribution?

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Роздрібна торгівля – це продаж товару кінцевому споживачу.

2. В західних країнах є різні типи торгівельних закладів: універмаги, супермаркети, магазини з низькими цінами, “товари поштою”, і т.п.

3. На цей товар можна отримати 10% знижку.

4. Роздрібний продавець може надати покупцю довготривалий кредит.

5. Ця фірма має безліч торгівельних точок по всій країні.

6. Роздрібний продавець виконує багато важливих функцій.

7. Я не знаю центр міста, мені потрібен довідник магазинів.

8. В торгівельному центрі ви знайдете всі необхідні вам товари.

9. У цьому магазині нема бакалійного відділу.

direct method of distribution

Producer Consumer

indirect methods of distribution

Producer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer

Exercise 5.

a) speak about the differences between (he channels of distribution of this country and western countries.

b) look at this chart and say in what industries different methods of distribution are possible.

Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: I should go shopping today.

I should have gone shopping yesterday.

1. The firm should apply for credit very soon.

2. They should see about the new refrigerator today.

3. I should take my wife shopping a bit later.

4. They should get groceries at the supermarket this afternoon.

5. You should order a new car.

6. He should buy a computer today.

7. He should speak with the manager today.

Exercise 2. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: If there is a shopping center nearby, we will go there together.

If there had been a shopping center nearby, we would have gone there.

1. If she buys too much, she won't be able to carry it herself.

2. If there is ice cream in this store, we will bring the children some.

3. If she tries the new boutique today, she will come very late.

4. If the shop offers home delivery, he will ask them to deliver.

5. If you shop downtown, you will find the shopping center.

Сторінки: 1 2