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Реферат - Computers
the text and put 10 questions to it.

Lorrain Weller from "Modern English International" warns us. However hard the manufacturers and advertisers of personal computers try to convince1 us of friendliness of their product, it is still a fact that if you want to programme your own computer, you have to learn its language. It doesn't understand yours. This simple fact is the reason why so many home computers are underused2. It also prevents3 lots of people from

buying their own computer. Rather than licking4 your hand the computer quite often bites5.

Imagine yourself having a conversation with an English person. You make one small grammar mistake, maybe you say have instead of has. It doesn't matter. The person understands your meaning and the conversation continues. This doesn't happen with a computer. If you make even the smallest mistake in its language, the conversation breaks down completely and you have to go back to the beginning. It can be very frustrating6.

In the United States, in Japan, in Britain, computer specialists are all trying to develop a computer that will underhuman language.

1. to convince - переконувати

2. to underuse - використовувати на повну потужність

3. to prevent - припиняти, запобігати

4. to lick - лизати

5. to bite - кусати

6. frustrating - виснажливий

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Деякі компанії не виготовляють і не продають комп’ютери, а здають їх на прокат.

2. Програміст закладає дані у комп’ютер.

3. В бізнесі комп’ютер використовується для обробки даних.

4. Програмне забезпечення – дуже дороге.

5. Комп’ютер допомагає приймати рішення на вищому адміністративному рівні.

6. Комп’ютер використовується для виконання багатьох адміністративних функцій: підготовки відомостей, інвентаризаційного контролю.

Exercise 5.

a) Make a speech in favour of modern electronic equipment (personal computers, electronic printing aids). Why can't a modern enterprise do without them?

b) You are the Head of a firm producing computers. Advertise your product.

Grammar Exercise.

Transform the sentences from Future Indefinite into Future-in-the-Past.

Model: The accountant says that she will prepare the financial statement very soon.

The accountant said that she would prepare the financial statement very soon.

1. He confesses that their business will fail.

2. The government says that they will increase the taxes.

3. The secretary says that she will get credit reference letter in two days.

4. The lawyer states that the company won't be eligible for a loan.

5. He is sure that he will get a credit.

6. They suppose that the new product will be not so expensive.

7. He thinks he will buy the stove in the discount house.

8. He is happy that he will go on this business trip.

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