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beauty contests (R. Rendell);

Her mother and sister were fine-looking women, but the odd thing about Sheila was that her beauty was not an enlargement or an enhancement of their near-handsomeness (R. Rendell);

He had stooped to kiss her cold cheek and smelt in the hollow of her neck the waxen odour of death. Her features, serene, composed, invested mortality with mystery and beauty (E. McGrath).

Сайт Британського національного корпусу подає 69 прикладів вживання поняття “allure” в художній літературі, газетних публікаціях, текстах з природничих та соціальних наук, релігійних текстах та біографіях. Наприклад:

Our relationship can be measured in hours, my strange beauty. We fly on the wings of mutual allure , but I'm not sure whether we've reached the heavy confidence stage yet (S. Constantine);

When I grew up, opera had all the allure of a thй dansant on Bournemouth pier (M. Dibdin);

She was twenty-eight years of age with the kind of breathtaking allure normally associated with the cover of a glossy fashion magazine (A. MacNeill).

“Allurement” представлене 6 прикладами в текстах природничих та гуманітарних наук, релігії, комерційної діяльності.

На сайті Британського національного корпусу є 1467 прикладів вживання поняття “attraction” у політичному законодавстві, історичних текстах, белетристичній поезії та прозі, медицині та біографіях. Наприклад:

"Sexual attraction is very strange” (D. M. Thomas);

I knew the attraction was very serious, but I also thought you were experienced (S. Richmond);

Tall, broad and muscular, hazel eyes under dark eyebrows, strong features in a tanned face – ; it was the man in the village street towards whom she had felt such a strange attraction (M. Richmond).

Абсолютний синонім “attraction” – “attractiveness” представлений 264 прикладами вживання у газетних статтях, журналах, текстах про суспільні науки, релігію, гуманітарні науки, в художній літературі та комерції. Наприклад:

As a young man he had been pursued by many women; that he secretly despised them did not lessen his attractiveness but in later years his large family and increasing years had hung about him with a weight as great as any deformity: but he would never risk exposing himself as Rose had (J. McGahern);

Health and strength and a certain robust attractiveness had been hers, good marks in the classroom, an ear for music, parental praise, had been hers (S. Hill);

You still have the same elements of attractiveness, but I simply don't find you desirable any more (D. M. Thomas).

Поняття “bloom” вжито 547 разів у газетних статтях, брошурах, текстах з гуманітарних та природознавчих наук, текстах з суспільних наук, в художній літературі. Наприклад:

A country girl, he decided, with the bloom of health and youth (J. Byrne);

He was one of those men who, once the bloom had gone (in his case his hair), never seem to age, although a glance at Vacher's Guide would have revealed him to be sixty-two (J. Critchley);

But they complement the bloom of your skin to perfection (S. Heywood).

Лексема “charm” в Британському національному корпусі має 1361 приклад вживання у газетних оголошеннях, белетристичній поезії, в текстах з суспільних наук, біографіях, текстах з гуманітарних наук, в художній прозі. Наприклад:

He was tall, very fair, reasonably attractive, and when he made with the charm at hospital parties they lapped it up (L. Andrews);

... his charm was the kind that, while it is directed at you, makes you feel you are the only person in the world (A. Taylor);

Peter felt the impersonal force of James's charm as James was feeling the warmth of the fire (A. Taylor).

“Comeliness” представлене всього 3 прикладами вживання в художньому тексті, біографії і тексті з гуманітарних наук.


From now on the peasants must offer to the Keepers a tithe of more mature, and physically intact, sons and daughters who had some pretence to comeliness (I. Watson).

Поняття “desirability” має 263 приклади вживання в газетних статтях, під час судових розглядів, на публічних дебатах, в художніх текстах, в текстах з гуманітарних та суспільних наук, в комерції. Наприклад:

You must learn to have a little more confidence in your …" he hesitated, his firmly-moulded lips slightly parted as he searched for a word "… desirability " (L. Darcy);

I suppose, in your time, a man can be as randy as he pleases; it adds to his desirability ; proves he's a real man … suitably virile (E. Nash);

It was a night of physical fulfilment, a pleasing confirmation of her desirability . Love was a different matter (T. Barnes).

Британський національний корпус подає 490 прикладів вживання поняття “elegance” у газетних публікаціях, поезії, художній прозі, текстах з гуманітарних та суспільних наук. Наприклад:

There would be a thousand people there, dressed with varying degrees of elegance in black and white (J. Francome);

Cleverly, Mme Belmont-Laon retained the formality of the nineteenth-century rooms, with their mahogany showcases and cabinets, and yet, by her use of colour and light, contrived to give them a modern elegance (S. Beauman);

The elegance of his own style, the willingness of the assistants, the feeling that an endless flow of joy emanated from this eccentric and astute little man, the jade-green charm of the suit that was eventually chosen, the reserve, the

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