и навыки; межуровне-вые лингвистические связи; типы, варианты и опознавательные признаки орфо-грамм; орфографическое правило; диалектное влияние; межъязыковая интерфе-ренция.
Khomyak I.M. Linguistic-methodical principles of teaching Ukrainian language spelling in the secondary school.- Handwriting.
Thesis for achieving a scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogic in specialization 13.00.02 – theory and methodic of teaching Ukrainian language.- National Pedagogical M.P.Dragomanov University, Kyiv, 2002.
Thesis is aimed on the theoretical-experimental exploration of the problem of pupils’ spelling skills formation in arrangement of interfering influences caused by speech surrounding. This new conception is analyzed in teaching of spelling in the contemporary school as to which the methodical system aimed to the order of work is connected with gradual levels of teaching activity consisting of the structure of spelling skills formation is given. Basic conceptions and pupils’ knowledge of spelling, different episodes of Ukrainian language, linguistic points of dialectology and Russian language are the elements of this system which are connected with each other and are analyzed as an integral formation.
Key words: spelling knowledge, skills and habits; interactual linguistic relations; types, varieties and distinguishing features of spells; spelling rule; dialectical influence; interlingual interference.