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applied methods and approaches is also provided. The dissertation is based on a corpus encompassing 2500 examples of phraseological modifications from German newspaper texts.

Сhapter 1 deals with selected issues of the theory of phraseology, especially the term phraseologism and the boundaries of phraseology, the properties and classifications of idioms, some terminological problems as well as with the theory of phraseological modifications.

Phraseological modifications are understood as one of the ways of intentional normative usage of idioms drawn apart from related speech phenomena. The ability of phraseological units for modification depends on both constitutional (polylexemity and fixedness) and content-based (idiomaticy, figurativeness and motivation) peculiarities of the phraseological system. The multiword character of phraseological units is the prerequisite for changes of their componential structure. Idioms variability, ambiguity and further development of imagery are predetermined by their intrinsic features of fixedness, semantic separateness and figurativeness, respectively. Phraseological modifications are shown not to violate the phraseological norms, abiding by the criteria of normative usage of phraseological units.

Proceeding from the laid down theoretical principles, Chapter 2 contains a detailed description of the modification models of phraseologisms which are divided into two types: (a) structural modifications with changes of the phraseological formative (substitution, expansion, reduction, coordination, contamination, grammatical modifications, changes in the external potential of complements); (b) contextual modifications which involve a specific integration into the context (realisation of the phraseological meaning together with concomitant associations with the literal meaning or simultaneous realisation of the literal and phraseological meanings). Newspaper texts revealed a frequent use of mixed forms of modifications.

In this dissertation the semantic shift of structural phraseological modifications is analysed. A typology of structural modifications is suggested according to the semantic criteria giving way to the subdivision into modifications with the preserved denotational meaning and those with a partial denotational meaning as well as phraseological modifications with the deactivation of the denotational meaning.

In addition to the description of regularities in the changes of the form and meaning of phraseological units, phraseological modifications are shown as a means of phraseological derivation. Numerous examples with identical patterns of modification from different sources enable us to conclude that occasionality and acceptability boundaries of the functioning of these units are movable. Phraseological modifications are capable of being transferred into the phraseological system provided they are recurrently used by different writers. This is often done in the media enhaneing the idioms familiarity to the reader as well as their in the language system.

Chapter 3 deals with the functions of phraseological modifications in speech. Supported by German newspaper texts, the pragmatic importance of phraseological modifications and their role for the text constitution are explored. Specifically, their significance for the thematic text formation, retention of coherence and compression of information are expounded. One of the main functions of phraseological modifications lies in the adjustment of the common phraseological units to the concrete text on its contextual and grammatical levels. Modifications offer the author of the text, depending on intentionality, the possibility to create an infinite number of formations from a limited number of phraseological units.

The creation of the thematic-argumentative structure of a newspaper text (introduction, development, ending of the theme or sub-theme, thematic framing or argumentation coordination) is closely related to the position of the phraseological units in the text. The positions concerned are in the title, at the beginning and at the end of the text, at the beginning or at the end of the paragraph and on the turn of the two thematically completed text chunks. Phraseological modifications are effective means of language ”economy” in communication: they contribute to the shrinking of the text and compression of the information. By preserving nominating, connotative and figurative peculiarities of the parent phraseological unites, modifications may integrate additional meaningful shades and develop original phraseological images.

The essential pragmatic potential of phraseological modifications in the producer-recipient constellation can be found in their influence on the reader. A phraseological modification provides a journalist with the possibility of expressing his attitude and attracting the recipient’s attention to the subject of the article. Modifications are usually perceived as pragmatic markers, they are definitely effective in the text engendering strategy. The most important pragmatic functions of phraseological modifications lei in stimulating the reader’s motivation, leading his attention, concealing the information and creating metalinguistic reflections.

Finally, a short summary reflects the most important results of the description and analysis of phraseological modifications in German newspaper texts.

Key Words: phraseologism, phraseological modification, occasionality, author's intention, newspaper text, phraseological derivation, usualisation, linguistic and stylistic devices, pragmatic functions, text formation.

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