м водной толщи в зависимости от прозрачности воды и ее цветности. К числу причин негативной реакции водорослей на высокий уровень солнечного облучения можно отнести изменения состояния светочувствительных пигментов, в первую хлорофилла а и гидрофобного комплекса клеточных структур, как наиболее важного компонента мембран фотосинтезирующих организмов.
Ключевые слова: водоросли, поверхностно-активные вещества, генетически трансформированные клетки, фотосинтез, фотовыцветание клеток, подвижность, стойкость, водный обмен.
Parshikova T. V. The structure-functional markers of adaptation for microalgae under surfactant effect.- Manuscript.
Dissertation for the obtaining of the scientific degree (Doctor of Biological sciences). Speciality 03.00.12 – Physiology of plants. Kyiv National University named Taras Shevchenko, Kyiv, 2003.
The dissertation is devoted to studying of regularities the interaction of microalgae cells (with different types of photosensitive systems) and surfactants (with natural and synthetic origin), which are entered into water ecosystems in significant volume. As the objects have been used as well natural algae populations as valuable for industrial photosynthesis the algae cultures from Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria), Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Rhodophyta. Among them were movable and immovable algae cells. It was investigated the changes in structure of cytoplasmic membrane, state of chloroplasts, nuclei, mitochondria, vacuole and physiology of plant cells (growth intensity and reproduction, speed of motion and its energy potential, changes of volume and surface square under surfactants effect. The peculiarities of photosynthesis, water regime and resistance (dynamics of chlorophyll a content and potential photosynthetic activity, changes of hydration of intracellular structures, processes of chlorophyll photofading under light irradiation), adaptation cells adjustment to survive at the presence of surfactant were analyzed. It was shown the main mechanisms of effect of 9 types of surfactants with different chemical nature (cationic-, anionicactive, nonionogenic and natural). It was received the stability to cationic surfactant the Anabaena PCC 7120 mutant cells and proved the perspectivity of mutagenase in survive of organisms. It was presented the comparative estimation of stability to surfactants for representatives of main systematic groups (Chlorophyta + Euglenophyta > Bacillariophyta > Cyanophyta > Dinophyta > Chrysophyta). The state of hydration the intracellular structure (changes of free and bound water) and regime of illumination are the key mechanisms of formation the photosynthetic activity and level of potential vitality for algae cells.
Key words: algae, surfactants, genetically transformed cells, photosynthesis, photofading of cells, mobility, stability, water exchange.