и педагогической поддержки школьника, доверия к его силам и возможностям.
В работе сделаны выводы, согласно которым идеи свободного воспитания могут быть творчески использованы путем включения педагогического опыта зарубежных деятелей образования и педагогов Украины исследуемого периода в процесс изучения курсов педагогики, истории педагогики, педагогического мастерства, педагогических технологий, при написании курсовых и дипломных работ в процессе подготовки педагогических кадров.
Ключевые слова: свободное воспитание, идеи свободного воспитания, свобода, природосообразность, саморазвитие, свободное развитие личности.
Barylo H.A. The Ideas of the free education in reforming of pedagogic end ХХ - a first one third ХХ century. - Manuscript.
Thesis on Acquiring the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Degree in Speciality 13.00.01 – General Pedagogics and History of Pedagogics. – DRAGOMANOV National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, 2004.
The thesis investigates the problem of free education. The intact structured analysis of the foreign theory of the free education in the late ХІХ - the first third of the ХХ centuries has been represented in this work for the first time. The basic ideas and principles of the free education were picked out and psychologically motivated. It depends the understanding of its theory-methodological ; they are chosen and is mentally motivated base to ideas and principles of the free education that vastly deepens understanding his theorist-methodological bases to the great extent; reveals the certain essence of the notion "free education"; explores the trends and peculiarities of the ideas of free education’s influence on the development of the pedagogical theory and practice of Ukraine in the first third of the ХХ century. The thesis analyzes and systematizes the work peculiarities of modern educational institutions, in which the ideas of the free education’s theory were gradually introduced; findings are made about possibility of the use the experience and progressive ideas represented by the supporters of theory of the free education in modern process of reforming education.
Key words: free education, ideas of the free education, free, self-development, free development to personalities.
Підписано до друку 05.11.2004 р.
Формат 60х90 1/16. Папір офсетний.
Ум. друк. арк. 1,1. Обл.-вид. арк. 0,9.
Тираж 100 прим. Зам № 126. Друк на різографі.
Чернігівський державний педагогічний університет імені Т.Г.Шевченка
м. Чернігів, вул. Гетьмана Полуботка, 53.