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слова: просветительско-педагогическая деятельность, общественные объединения Волыни, организация учебно-воспитательного процесса, организационно-культурническая деятельность, благотворительность, попечительство, меценатство.

Boreyko A. M. Pedagogical and educational activity of civil communities of Volyn (second half of XIX – beginning of XX centuries). – Manuscript.

The dissertation for the search of the scientific degree of a candidate of pedagogical science in specialty 13.00.01 – the general pedagogy and the history of the pedagogy. – Zhytomyr state university, Zhytomyr, 2004.

The Dissertation is devoted to the historic and pedagogical analysis of the process of formation and development of civil communities of Volyn. On the basis of archive and published sources as well as on the basis of the analysis of scientific publications the historical path of formation and development of civil communities of Volyn in the second half of XIX – beginning of XX centuries for the first time is wholly delineated. The classification of appropriate communities is done. The main directions, contents, forms and methods of educational and upbringing activity in the educational establishments are determined. The characteristic of the role of civil communities, church fraternities and private figures in the development of cultural and educational level of the population of Volyn is given. It is outlined the theoretical and methodical questions of historical and pedagogical aspects of cultural, educational and pedagogical activity of civil communities of Volyn in the second half of XIX – beginning of XX centuries.

Key-words: educational-pedaqoq1ical activity, civil communities of Volyn, organization-training process, organization-cultural activity, patronage, charity, the trusteeship.

Сторінки: 1 2