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увеличении у них мотивации учения.

Доказано, что при отсутствии соответствующего подкрепления в процессе преподавания университетских дисциплин имеет место негативная динамика некоторых мотивационных показателей относительно того уровня, который был достигнут после окончания мотивационного тренинга. С целью обеспечения устойчивости мотивационных изменений рекомендовано включить мотивационные упражнения в структуру учебного процесса.

Ключевые слова: мотивация учения, психологические механизмы развития мотивации, мотивационный тренинг.


Zanyuk s. The psychological backgrounds of managing of study motivation in students. – Manuscript.

Dissertation for Candidate degree in Psychological Science. Speciality – 19.00.07 – Pedagogical and developmental psychology. G.’s Institute of Psychology, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2004.

This work is devoted to the investigation of the structure of study motivation and the methods of its forming in students.

Based on the practical investigations some theoretical suppositions were substantiated. It was proved that forming study motivation is the complex process, which is supported by the development of the steady motivational structures. The following factors which determine study motivation were discovered: 1)in students the feeling of competence; 2)in students the possibility for self-motivating; 3) developing in students the striving for goal-setting and for self-determination.

It was found the increase in student the following study motives: self-development, social prestige, achievement. The psychological mechanisms of the motivation development were studied.

Key-words: study motivation, the psychological mechanisms of the motivation development, motivational training.

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