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і суспільства в сучасних умовах, показано моделі оптимізації цієї взаємодії у пострадянських країнах. Здійснено апроксимацію характеру розвитку сучасної збройної боротьби на оборонну політику держави у сфері економіки. Виділено особливості трансформації пострадянських держав і її вплив на соціальні процеси у збройних силах. Визначено місце та роль армії в умовах демократичного суспільства. З'ясовано сутність глобальних проблем сучасності і особливості їх впливу на життєдіяльність збройних сил. Обґрунтовано головні напрямки оптимізації взаємодії армії і суспільства у перехідних системах. Запропоновано конкретні заходи в соціальній, економічній, політичній і духовній сферах життєдіяльності суспільства, що сприятимуть підвищенню бойової готовності та боєздатності Збройних сил України.

Ключові слова: армія, суспільство, трансформація, сфери буття, глобальні проблеми, тероризм.


Требин М.П. Армия в трансформирующемся обществе (социально-философский анализ). – Рукопись.

Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора философских наук по специальности 09.00.03 – социальная философия и философия истории. – Харьковский национальный университет имени В.Н. Каразина, Харьков, 2005.

В диссертации исследуется армия в трансформирующемся обществе. Предложена социально-философская концепция места и роли армии в трансформирующемся обществе, в которой на основе анализа взаимосвязей армии как элемента государства и как специфической целостной социально-политической организации и общества в экономической, социальной, политической и духовной сферах жизнедеятельности раскрыта специфика, типология и формы взаимодействия армии и общества в современных условиях, показаны модели оптимизации взаимодействия армии и общества в постсоветских странах. Осуществлена аппроксимация характера развития современной вооруженной борьбы на оборонную политику государства. Раскрыты особенности трансформации постсоветских государств. Охарактеризовано влияние трансформационных процессов на жизнедеятельность вооруженных сил. Определены место и роль армии в условиях демократического общества. Выяснена сущность глобальных проблем современности и их влияния на жизнедеятельность вооруженных сил. Обоснованы основные направления оптимизации взаимодействия армии и общества в переходных системах. Предложены конкретные пути в экономической, социальной, политической и духовной сферах жизнедеятельности общества, способствующие повышению боевой готовности и боеспособности Вооруженных сил Украины.

Ключевые слова: армия, общество, трансформация, сферы бытия, глобальные проблемы, терроризм.


TrebinArmy in the Society under Transformation (Social and Philosophical Analysis). – Manuscript.

Dissertation for the Doctor’s scientific degree in Philosophical Sciences in specialty 09.00.03 – Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History. – Kharkiv V.N.National University. Kharkiv, 2005.

The dissertation is devoted to the army in the society under transformation. The researcher suggests the conception of the place and role of the army in the society under transformation. Proceeding from analysis of correlation of the army as an element of the entire specific social and political organization and society in economic, social, political and spiritual spheres the researcher develops specify, typology and forms of interaction of the army and society under modern conditions and models of optimization of interaction of the army and society in the post-Soviet countries. Under perception of complexity of the process of interaction of the army and society the researcher arrives at a number of up-to-date conceptions of interpretation of the interaction. The researcher suggests these two conceptions dividing them into two big groups: the first one is attributives that stresses the army as an attribute of society; the second one includes relational that accentuates the interaction of the army and society in the light of relations on the elementary and complex communicative levels. It is grounded that the determinant of military and economic policy is status and perfection of armed struggle; it is the armed struggle that determines the vector of projection, creation and production of major models of the arms that will efficiently solve the problems the armed forces face in the course of performance of their functions. The major tendencies of the armed struggle are considered: expansion of space continuum of military actions; creation and increasing use of information continuum; change of logic and time framework of the armed struggle; reinforcement of deductive and weakening of inductive links and relations of the armed struggle; organization and conduct of the armed struggle on the actual time scale; increase in gap between potential of destruction and defense means.

The researcher determines the peculiarities of transformation of the postsoviet countries and its influence on social processes in the armed forces. It is grounded that it is possible to solve social problems of the army and navy through effectively organized national military and social policy under which the author considers the totality based on the specialized legislation and that is relatively independent integral part of the national social and military policy directed at managing social development of the national military organization, meeting material and cultural needs of the military and members of their families and ensuring reproduction of their physiological and moral-psychological potential including internal stability, military efficiency of military organization. The important element of a democracy is civil control of force structures. The civil control of the armed forces is defined as theory and practice of such regulation of civil and military relations in the law-based democracy, under the latter the main democratic principles take a major place as to the military principles. The spiritual factor is an important component of the armed forces potentiality structure. The spiritual factor can be described as a specific phenomenon of public consciousness that reflects the degree of readiness and ability of the masses to solve definite social, economic, political and military tasks. The spiritual factor is determined by spiritual base of the society. The essence of present global problems and their consequences to activity of the armed forces are shown. In the 21-st century a new global problem that the mankind faces has become terrorism, a social phenomenon based on use of threat of violence as an act of terrorism committed to generate atmosphere of fear and despair in the society for the sake of goals of subjects of terroristic activity. Terrorism as a social society is policausal due to its destructiveness being a major threat to the society and an individual. So far, it is of great importance to form the antiterroristic combat system in the state that should be based on the legal principles; priority of terrorism preventive measures; inevitability of liability for committing terroristic activity; unification of actual and latent methods of anti-terrorism combat; complex use of preventive legal, political, socio-economic and propaganda measures. The author grounds main directions to optimize interaction of the army and society in transit systems as well as a number of recommendations as economic, social, political and spiritual spheres given to improve defense potential and military readiness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Key words: army, society, transformation, being spheres, global problems, terrorism.

Відповідальний за випуск

доктор філософії, професор

Мануйлов Євген Миколайович

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