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of the mechanism of formation of the competition environment at the labor market is developed at the market of labor. The results of research of degree of development of the competition environment is the system of indexes of estimation of development of the competitions relations on the basis of selection of determining aspects of formation and development of competition environment at the domestic labor market. These aspects are related to macroeconomic, regulators, institutional and external influence factors on the object of research, which are characterized by the different sources of origin, character and intensity of changes.

In dissertation the socio-economic mechanism of formation of competition environment is developed at the labor market, efficiency of which depends directly on the complexity of cooperation of macroeconomic, socio-economic and legal factors mechanisms of state regulation and market’s regulators.

Keywords: competition, competition environment at the market of labor, earnings, wages, labor incentive, structural changes in employment structure, active policy of employment, innovative changes, in the structure of employment, the mechanism of formation of the competition environment at the labor market.


Підписано до друку 31.05.2006 р. Формат 6090/16

Облік. вид. арк. 1,9 Умов. друк. арк. 1,9

Тираж 100 прим. Замов. №

Видавничо-поліграфічний відділ ДУ „Інститут економіки та прогнозування” НАН України

01011, Київ 11, вул. Панаса Мирного, 26

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