Law; International Private Law. – Lviv National University named by Ivan Franco. – Lviv, 2006.
In dissertation the explored legal nature of leasing in Ukraine. A question is considered in relation to the common origin of leasing and his appearance and development on Ukraine. Large attention is spared to research of theoretical positions of legal nature of agreement of the financial leasing. In this plan such questions are considered as leasing concept and his legal adjusting structure of contractual connections of leasing and place of agreement of the financial leasing in the system of civil legal agreements. Position of belonging of foregoing agreement is defended to the variety of contract of tenancy(найму).
It is that the agreement of the financial leasing is the bilateral agreement. Taking into account the new leasing legislation, the question of substantial conditions of the agreement of the financial leasing his maintenance is considered. Explored civil liability by agreement of the financial leasing. On the basis of the researches conducted in dissertation conclusions and recommendations are done in relation to perfection of legislation of Ukraine about leasing.
Key words: financial leasing; agreement of the financial leasing; legal nature of leasing, structure of contractual connections of leasing; substantial terms and maintenance of agreement of the financial leasing.
Підписано до друку 29.08.2006. Папір офсетний. Формат 60х84 1/16. Гарнітура “Таймс”.
Друк різографічний. Обл.-вид. арк. 1,12. Умовн. друк. арк. 1,0.
Наклад 100 прим. Зам. № .
Видавництво МДГУ ім. Петра Могили.
54003, м. Миколаїв, вул. 68 Десантників, 10.