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were specified through the characteristics of laser radiation and interaction with microenvironment in different reaction media. Original spectrophotometric analysis of the multicomponent photoisomer mixture has been developed having regard to the irreversible photodegradation, and the routes of previtamin D industrial photosynthesis optimization were determined. The nematic LC’s orientation was examined using adsorption of provitamin D molecules at the substrate surface of a LC cell, and the photoinduced transition from homeotropic to planar orientation was observed. The method of direct measurement of biologically active solar UV radiation has been developed based on the spectral recording of previtamin D photosynthesis in vitro. The new personal biodosimeter of antirachitic UV radiation with visual color detection was introduced using cholesteric liquid crystal with provitamin D dopant.

Key words: spectroscopy, laser photochemistry, vitamin D synthesis, photoreaction kinetics, mathematical model, conformation distribution, spectrophotometric analysis, adsorption, liquid crystal, UV biodosimeter.

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