в лексиконе диалекта.
Богатый материал, собранный экспедиционным методом и отобранный из региональных источников, проанализирован в сравнительном, этимологическом, мотивационном и ареальном аспектах. Последний особенно актуален, поскольку расширяет эмпирическую базу современной украинской диалектологии. Методологически важным результатом работы является утверждение о необходимости и перспективности изучения тематической группы лексики как целости с учетом экстралингвального фона функционирования этих наименований.
Ключевые слова: бойковский диалект, свадебная лексика, тематическая группа, лексико-семантическая группа, лексема, мотивация, диалект.
Khibeba N.V. Structural-semantic organization of wedding vocabulary of Boikо dialect. – Manuscript.
The dissertation to gain the scientific degree of the candidate of philological sciences, speciality 10.02.01 – Ukrainian language. – Lviv Ivan Franko National University. – Lviv, 2007.
The dissertation for the first time in Ukrainian linguistics gives the systemic description of wedding vocabulary of Boikо dialects and the result of its studying in linguistics and ethnography. The choice of the research region is based first of all on the necessity to preserve for the coming generations the vocabulary which, unfortunately, changes or even disappears under the conditions of society modernization.
The main vocabulary body for the research is the expedition dialect records: questions and answers collected in a field way in the villages of Drohobych, Skole, Turka, Starosambir districts of Lviv region and Dolyna, Rozhnyatyn districts of Ivano-Frankivsk region and Mizhhirskiy district of Zakarpattya region. The interrogator cover all the designates connected with the Boiko wedding and partly reproduces the ritual culture of the region. Most of the materials is recorded on the tapes from the narrators of different age groups (the recordings are in the record library of Ukrainian language department of the Institute of Ukrainian Studying named after Ivan Krypyakevych of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). Information of explanatory, phraseology, etymology and ethno-linguistics dictionaries of Ukrainian and other Slavonic languages is used in the analysis.
Within the thematic group “Wedding vocabulary” the following three lexical semantic groups “Wedding ritual names”, “Names of wedding ritual participants” and “Names of material elements of wedding ritual” are analyzed. The systemic analysis of all three groups induced to elucidate important general theoretical problems and the links of between these lexical semantic groups on the level of word formation and motivation, variation of formal and semantic structures. The existence of hyper-hiponimic, synonymic, antonymic relations witnesses about the systemic variant of the researched vocabulary, and its gradation shows difficult hierarchy in the dialect vocabulary.
The rich material collected in a field way and chosen from regional sources is analyzed on comparative, etymological, motivation and area aspects. The last one is of particular actuality because it promotes the enlargement of empiric base of modern Ukrainian dialectology. Methodologically important result of the work is the statement on reasonability and perspective of studying of thematic vocabulary groups as a whole taking into consideration non-language background of functioning of these lexemes.
The dissertation research shows the nominations of ritual denotates, which during the last decade enrich the passive fund of Ukrainian language and researches them in general Ukrainian and general Slavonic contexts. The importance of the complex studying of the problem is conditioned by the special meaning of this micro system as a specific layer of general Ukrainian dialect vocabulary. The actuality of the dissertation is in vocabulary studying of Ukrainian language and in the possibility of getting to know the history and culture of Ukrainians.
The collected and analyzed dialect material is of great scientific value as it shows live speech, represents spiritual and material culture of ancient and well-preserved ethnical group and it is important contribution into studying of the national character of Ukrainians.
The work consists of introduction, three chapters and conclusions, bibliography. There are 3 appendixes (26 tables, index of analyzed words, dialect texts).
The “Introduction” grounds the actuality of the chosen theme, characterizes the status of problem’s scientific research, formulates the aim and main tasks of the research, shows the methods and sources of factual material. It also contains the scientific newness and practical and theoretical meaning of the received results as well as information about result approbation.
In the first chapter the advantages of this research are pointed. The state of analysis of the Boiko dialect and different aspects of wedding lexis are examined.
The second chapter “Wedding ritual names” is dedicated to lexical semantic analysis of wedding ritual names. There are three main stages of Boiko wedding in a traditional Ukrainian wedding: before-wedding stage, wedding itself and after-wedding stage.
The third chapter “Names of wedding ritual participants” is dedicated to the analysis of the nominations according to the hierarchy of wedding ranks. This lexical semantic group contains three semantic subgroups in which semantic micro groups are distinguished. This lexical semantic group in the researched dialects is represented by the words and word formations spread in Ukrainian language continuum as well as by the narrow local formations. The great quantity of the names unfortunately is known only by the elder generation.
The fourth “Names of material elements of wedding ritual” describes five SM: names of ransom, presents and dowry; clothes and foot-wear of the couple; wedding attributes; music of the ritual; wedding dished and drinks.
The “Conclusions” contain main models of wedding vocabulary nomination and generalization of the ways of nomination and formal variants (accentual, phonetic, word-building and grammatical) of the names. Specific dialect formations typical for wedding vocabulary of Boiko dialect were distinguished and lexemes which have analogies and parallelisms in other dialects of Ukrainian language and in Slavonic languages.
Repertoire of the wedding vocabulary proves that it contains the limited quantity of mono lexemes. The greater part of the notions of this SM is represented by analytical names, word formations and descriptive constructions. But not all word formations are constant; there are constant ritual names and descriptive constructions which are changeable.
Key words: Boiko dialects, wedding vocabulary, thematic group, lexical semantic group, lexeme, motivation, dialect.
Підписано до друку 22.10.2007 р.
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Друк на різографі. Умовн. друк. арк. 1,5. Обл.-видав. арк. 0,89.
Тираж 100 прим. Зам. 70840.
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