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Курсова робота - Програма AutoCad
example extrudes a solid from a region.

' The region is created from a line.

Dim curves(0 To 11) As AcadEntity


Dim Pt1(0 To 2) As Double

Dim Pt2(0 To 2) As Double


' Start point

Pt1(0) = 130: Pt1(2) = 170: Pt1(1) = 0#

Pt2(0) = 140: Pt2(2) = 170: Pt2(1) = 0#

Set curves(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(Pt1, Pt2)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 160: Pt1(2) = 210

Set curves(1) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(0).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 160: Pt1(2) = 250

Set curves(2) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(1).EndPoint, Pt1)

'next point

Pt1(0) = 230: Pt1(2) = 300

Set curves(3) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(2).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 220: Pt1(2) = 320

Set curves(4) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(3).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 80: Pt1(2) = 260

Set curves(5) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(4).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 80: Pt1(2) = 220

Set curves(6) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(5).EndPoint, Pt1)

'next point

Pt1(0) = 120: Pt1(2) = 220

Set curves(7) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(6).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 120: Pt1(2) = 230

Set curves(8) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(7).EndPoint, Pt1)

'next point

Pt1(0) = 130: Pt1(2) = 230

Set curves(9) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(8).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 130: Pt1(2) = 170

Set curves(10) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(9).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 140: Pt1(2) = 170

Set curves(11) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(10).EndPoint, Pt1)

' Create the region

Dim regionObj As Variant

regionObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRegion(curves)

' Define the extrusion

Dim height As Double

Dim taperAngle As Double

height = 50

taperAngle = 0


' Create the solid

Set Part1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddExtrudedSolid(regionObj(0), height, taperAngle)

'solidObj.color = acBlue


End Sub

Sub AddExtrudedSolid2()

' This code extrudes a solid from a region.

' The region is created from a line.

Dim curves(0 To 11) As AcadEntity


Dim Pt1(0 To 2) As Double

Dim Pt2(0 To 2) As Double


' Start point

Pt1(0) = 120: Pt1(1) = 160: Pt1(2) = 0#

Pt2(0) = 200: Pt2(1) = 160: Pt2(2) = 0#

Set curves(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(Pt1, Pt2)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 200: Pt1(1) = 100

Set curves(1) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(0).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 170: Pt1(1) = 110

Set curves(2) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(1).EndPoint, Pt1)

'next point

Pt1(0) = 140: Pt1(1) = 110

Set curves(3) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(2).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 120: Pt1(1) = 120

Set curves(4) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(3).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 120: Pt1(1) = 160

Set curves(5) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(4).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 200: Pt1(1) = 160

Set curves(6) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(5).EndPoint, Pt1)

'next point

Pt1(0) = 170: Pt1(1) = 110

Set curves(7) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(6).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 140: Pt1(1) = 110

Set curves(8) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(7).EndPoint, Pt1)

'next point

Pt1(0) = 120: Pt1(1) = 120

Set curves(9) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(8).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 120: Pt1(1) = 160

Set curves(10) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(9).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 200: Pt1(1) = 160

Set curves(11) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(10).EndPoint, Pt1)

' Create the region

Dim regionObj As Variant

regionObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRegion(curves)

' Define the extrusion

Dim height As Double

Dim taperAngle As Double

height = 40

taperAngle = 0


' Create the solid

Set Part2 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddExtrudedSolid(regionObj(0), height, taperAngle)


End Sub

Sub AddExtrudedSolid3()

' This code extrudes a solid from a region.

' The region is created from a line.

Dim curves(0 To 9) As AcadEntity


Dim Pt1(0 To 2) As Double

Dim Pt2(0 To 2) As Double


' Start point

Pt1(0) = 80: Pt1(2) = 160: Pt1(1) = 0#

Pt2(0) = 0: Pt2(2) = 160: Pt2(1) = 0#

Set curves(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(Pt1, Pt2)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 0: Pt1(2) = 100

Set curves(1) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(0).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 30: Pt1(2) = 110

Set curves(2) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(1).EndPoint, Pt1)

'next point

Pt1(0) = 60: Pt1(2) = 110

Set curves(3) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(2).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 80: Pt1(2) = 120

Set curves(4) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(3).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 80: Pt1(2) = 160

Set curves(5) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(4).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 0: Pt1(2) = 160

Set curves(6) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(5).EndPoint, Pt1)

'next point

Pt1(0) = 0: Pt1(2) = 100

Set curves(7) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(6).EndPoint, Pt1)

' next point

Pt1(0) = 30: Pt1(2) = 110

Set curves(8) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(curves(7).EndPoint, Pt1)

'next point


' Create the region

Dim regionObj As Variant

regionObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRegion(curves)

' Define the extrusion

Dim height As Double

Dim taperAngle As Double

height = 40

taperAngle = 0


' Create the solid

Set Part3 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddExtrudedSolid(regionObj(0), height, taperAngle)


End Sub

Sub Object()


Dim Blok1_Layer As AcadLayer

Set Blok1_Layer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("Blok1")












boxObj.Boolean acSubtraction, ExtrudedSolid2

boxObj.Boolean acSubtraction, ExtrudedSolid3

boxObj.Boolean acSubtraction, cylinderObj


boxObj.Layer = "Blok1"

Dim Blok2_Layer As AcadLayer

Set Blok2_Layer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("Blok2")


box6Obj.Layer = "Blok2"


Dim Blok3_Layer As AcadLayer



End Sub


AutoCAD – це наймогутніший і найвикористовуваний пакет проектувальниками. Така програма розвиватиметься і далі, переслідуючи цілі по полегшенню роботи в ньому. Мені доводилося працювати в трьох версіях цього пакету. Це були AutoCAD R10, AutoCAD 2000i і AutoCAD 2002. Якщо різниця між останніми двома версіями маловідчутна, то переваги AutoCAD 2xxx перед R10 видно відразу.

По-перше ця більша кількість ліній, штрихувань і т.д. По-друге це відмова від Dos-ядра, використовуваного також в Windows 95,98,2000. Тепер ACAD більше нагадує графічні пакети (особливо 2004 версія ). Там можна вставляти, вирізати і використовувати векторні об'єкти для редагування в програмі. Звичайно є і інші пакети проектування такі як ArhiCAD, MathCAD, і взагалі всі CAD’и, але на сьогоднішній момент AutoCAD найкраща і продумана програма промислового проектування.

Список використаних джерел

Методичні вказівки “Двовимірне креслення в AutoCAD 2000” для студентів усіх форм навчання / Укл.: О.В. Бабков – К.: НТУ, 2004. – 108 с.

Методичні вказівки “Тривимірне моделювання в AutoCAD 2000” для студентів усіх форм навчання / Укл.: О.В. Бабков – К.: НТУ, 2004. – 82 с.

Концевич В.Г. Трехмерное моделирование в AutoCAD 59 с.

Погорелов В. И. AutoCAD 2005 для начинающих. — СПб.: БХВ-

Петербург, 2004. —400 с.

8. “Autocad 2000. Практический курс.” А. Федоренко, К. Басов, А. Акимов


Рис.a. Рендеринг ізометричного вигляду фігури

Рис.b. Три проекції вигляду фігури

Сторінки: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8