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'picture ' 'parameter game : ' 'type categoryexplanation ' 'options with_ball, without_ball./* rules field */question 'Vyberit typ gry'picture ' 'parameter indoors : ' 'type booleanexplanation ' '/* rules field */question 'graut v prymischenni? 'picture ' 'parameter sitting : ' 'type booleanexplanation ' '/* rules field */question 'Graut sydjachi? 'picture ' 'parameter two_people : ' 'type booleanexplanation ' '/* rules field */question ' Graut tilki 2 cholovika?'picture ' 'parameter two_teams : ' 'type booleanexplanation ' '/* graut rivno dvi komandy */question 'graut rivno dvi komandy?'picture ' 'parameter with_cards : ' 'type booleanexplanation ' '/* rules field */question 'Graut z cartamy? 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