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In Moggridge D., editor, The collected writings of John Maynard Keynes. Vol.XIII (The general theory and after. Part I: Preparation). London: Macmillan.

Minsky, H.P. 1957: Central banking and money market changes, Quarterly Journal of Economics 71, 171-187.

Minsky, H.P. 1977: The financial instability hypothesis: an interpretation of Keynes and an alternative to "standard" theory, Nebraska Journal of Economics amd Business 16, 5-16.

Minsky, H.P. 1985: The financial instability hypothesis: a restatement. In Arestis, P. and Skouras, T., editor, Post-Keynesian economic theory: a challenge to Neo Classical economics, Brighton: Wheatsheaf.

Minsky, H.P. 1986: Stabilizing an unstable economy. London: Yale University Press.

Niggle, C.J. 1991: The endogenous money supply theory: an institutional appraisal, Journal of Economic Issues 25, 137-151.

Nozdran, N. and Berezin, I. 1993: Denezhnie agregati: teoria i praktika, Voprosi Ekonomiki 6, 31-39. [this article is available only in Russian]

Simons, H.C. 1936: Rules versus authorities in monetary policy, Journal of Political Economy 44, 1-30.

Wolfson, M.H. 1995: Monetary policy, financial crises and the business cycle: implications of the change in Federal Reserve policy during the 1982-90 business-cycle expansion, Review of Political Economy 7, 345-359.

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