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их эффективность. Число отличных отдалённых результатов консервативного лечения увеличилось на t4,{?% в- сравнении с контрольно" группой, число веудовдетворитедыам-х уменьшилось на 14^1%. Хирургическое лечение обеспечило отличный или хороший результат у 70% пациентов. Достоверность данных подтверждена статистической обработкой.

Эндопротезирование тазобедренного сустава у взрослых с коксартрозом III стадии, которые в детстве болели болезнью Пертеса, проводили, как правиле, б^з ыем№та, у 50% бедьимх в сочетаний е низведением большого вертела. Отдаленные попожительные результаты отмечены у 14 из 16 оперированных пациентов.

Ключевые слова: болезнь Пертеса, экспериментальная модель, ранняя диагностика.


Kulazhenko Е.В. Early diagnosis sad complex treatment of Perflues'S DISEASE. Clinical-experimental study. - Manuscript.

Theses for submission for a Doctor of Medical Sciences degree on specialty 14.01.21 - Traumatology and Orthopedics.

Trauroatology and Orthopedics Institute of Ukrainian Medical Science Academy, Kiev, 2(MH

la the dis&ertatioa, the problem of early diagnosis, and. complex conservative and surgical treatment ofPerthes's disease is solved.

An experiment on 94 growing rabbits was conducted where an original mode! of aseptic necrosis of the hip head with given form and size was created Ьу cryoinfluence. The acceleration of reparative processes on 39-63% under

(lie influence of oxygenation and electrovacoomtherapy and magnetic field whs found. For the first time computer thennography and photodensitometry wu.s used for early diagnosis of Perthes's disease. A diagnostic algorithm Including clinical and laboratory examinations, roentgenography of the hip loints, ultrasonography was proposed. Were conducted clinical observations mill treatment results of 996 children with Perthes's disease, who were treated ronservatively, 127, who were treated surgically, and 20 adults with the 3rd *-laye of coxarthrosis, who undertook Perthes's disease in childhood. Was proposed a working classification ofPerthes's disease. As a result of diagnosis improvement the number of children who began the treatment at the 1st stage increased in 18,1%. Excellent results of the conservative treatment increased mi 14,8% after use of the method. Surgical treatment gave 70% of excellent ."id good results.

Key words: Perthes 's disease, experimental models,diagnosis, treatment.

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